ClimateWatch staff are here to help and support you. If you find you are having issues with our website, mobile app, or need more information on how to record, please use these FAQs. If you cannot find the answer here, please contact us.

Website and account

I have forgotten my password

On the website's sign-in page, click ‘reset password.’ This generates an automatic email that will have a password reset link. Click on that link and you will be prompted to enter a new password. Passwords cannot be reset from the app at this stage

I tried to reset my password, but I did not get a password reset email. What now?

Try using a different browser. Google Chrome works the best with our website or make sure you are running the most up-to-date version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Contact us if you have further issues: climatewatch@earthwatch.org.au

I can't access my account because it says that my email does not exist

Did you authenticate Facebook or Twitter to act as your login? If you did, then your email becomes linked to your Facebook/Twitter and you need to sign in using either Facebook/Twitter. Our system prevents duplicate accounts from being created (i.e. email login and Facebook login) so you can only access your account with one type of login. Avoid re-registering an account with an existing email address. If you think you have forgotten your password, visit the ClimateWatch website and re-set your password via the website sign-in page: http://www.climatewatch.org.au/user/sign_in

I’m recording as part of a university group, but I haven’t received my ClimateWatch invitation. What should I do?

Check your spam folder. Check with your lecturer to see what email you have registered for your class to make sure it is correct. If the correct email has been used, but you still have not received an invitation, then register using another email. Contact the ClimateWatch staff directly to let us know which email address you have registered and what university you are recording with so that we can allocate you to the correct university group.

Mobile App

Why are photo images compulsory and how do I submit a sighting without an image?

Upon advice from our science advisory panel and other large-scale citizen science programs, compulsory photos have been introduced to assist the data verification process and to improve the quality of data submitted to the Atlas of Living Australia. You are welcome to take a photo of the habitat and enter information in the comments section if you are unable to submit a clear photo of the species.

If uploading sightings via the website, please make sure it is your own photo of that sighting and not a friend's or one from the internet.

While there is still opportunity for users to submit poor quality photos, compulsory images has increased the number of records we can validate by 30%, meaning more records that can be used for scientific purposes. Any feedback is welcome - please don't hesitate to contact us.