The climate crisis poses significant risks to our well-being, economy, environment, and overall way of life. Although Jacksonville's response to the challenges of a warming world has been gradual, there remains an opportunity to enact substantial change. The Jacksonville Climate Coalition is actively collaborating with the community to implement ambitious measures aimed at curbing emissions that contribute to heat retention and safeguarding our city against the perils of rising sea levels and perilous heatwaves. Together, we can forge a Jacksonville that is resilient and sustainable, ensuring fairness and equity for all.  

Our Battle

However, this is only half of the challenge. Jacksonville must also work towards the reduction and eventual elimination of greenhouse gas emissions originating from our vehicles, residences, and commercial enterprises. Our municipal administration and public utility service bear significant responsibility in halting the consumption of fossil fuels and the consequent release of carbon dioxide, which is the root cause of the climate crisis that directly impacts our community.

People Make the Difference

Individuals have the power to effect change by engaging in conversations with their loved ones, urging government officials to take action, embracing electric vehicles, installing solar panels, enhancing the energy efficiency of their homes and businesses, and even opting for reduced meat consumption. Each one of us possesses actionable measures to steer this crisis towards a more positive resolution.

Let's Work Together

This is the essence of the Jacksonville Climate Coalition's mission - taking proactive steps to achieve essential results. By collaborating throughout our city, we can complement the vital efforts underway nationally and globally to mitigate the devastating transformations occurring in our world. This collective action aims to ultimately halt these cataclysmic changes, ensuring that our young generation and those to come have the opportunity to flourish on this remarkable planet.
