Frequently Asked


Are IEP meetings still being held remotely?

At this time, remote meetings will be held through the District's Google Meet accounts, which have FERPA compliant security standards. You will be called from an alternate phone number through Google Meet. This platform allows all IEP members to contribute towards the development of the IEP, even though each party might be in separate locations. Note that if parents/guardians choose not to participate in a remote Annual Review or Re-evaluation IEP meeting and a child's IEP is due, a new IEP proposal must be developed by the IEP Team and will be mailed to parents/guardians for review and input. If after 15 days parents/guardians do not respond, the IEP goes into effect. We do value parental input as part of the IEP Team, and we do hope that remote participation continues, given that we do not know how long schools may remain closed. If we let IEPs expire without renewal, staff will lose access to their students' electronic records and will no longer be able to record their students' progress, from a technological standpoint. Please feel free to contact your Case Manager or the Director of Special Services with any concerns.

Are Districts allowed to hold meetings remotely through the use of videoconference or telephone conference call platforms?

In conferring with Child Study Teams across the County, most other Districts have confirmed that meetings are being held remotely at this time. Remote meetings are permissable by code, per NJAC 6A:14-2.3(k)6, which states,"...Parental participation may include the use of electronic conference equipment to conduct a videoconference or conference call."

Can my child be evaluated or re-evaluated at this time?

With safety guidelines in place, 1:1 CST evaluations can be conducted at this time, either through appointment or during the time the child is in school.

What are my rights?

Click here for the Parents Rights in Special Education brochure in English:

Haga clic aquí para obtener la versión en español del folleto de los derechos de los padres en educación especial:

What is an IEP?

IEP stands for Individualized Education Program, a document that describes in details a student's specific needs, accommodations, related services, and special education instructional program.

How do I register my child?

To register and prove residency please contact Claudia Hiles at the Board of Education. Registrations are done by appointment only. You can reach Claudia Hiles at (201) 313-2308 or email Registration forms can be picked up at the Board of Education office or printed from the district website, Go to Student Registration tab then click on registration forms.