


This application was made in C# .NET and it involves an elevator that moves when a button is clicked.

Elevators are all around us and are very important for our current society after all who would like to take the stairs to the 10th floor, no one, so elevators have been invented when building started to grow taller and taller so that people would move around faster and much more relaxed, hence, the elevator is a means of transport that makes life easier. That is why this project has been born to develop an object-oriented software control application for the two-floor office building of a company, the elevator consists of an elevator car that has inside a control panel with two buttons and a display-window, the elevator has two doors and each floor has two doors, there is one request button on each floor, the elevator has as well voice alerts, as well there is a display-window on each floor. In addition, the elevator has been connected to a database and will show on the screen the information that is present in it.


             • Interface

             • Elevator shaft

             • Elevator car

             • Control Panel: - display window

                                       - 2 buttons representing each floor

                                       - 2 buttons one for opening and one for closing the doors

             • One Request Button on each floor

             • One display-window on each floor

             • One log button

             • One data view grid

             • One database in MS Access 

Learn new word

Another application created in C# that connects to an access database and retrieves the data.

Key points of the application "Learn new words":

DanielAndrei1/WordsToUse-Csharp: An application created in C# to help people who are studying a second language (github.com)