

Android App.made using Java that connects using a REST API Web Service created in PHP to a MySQL Database and inserts information

This was made in Android Studio using Java, the connection to the database is secure throught a RESTfull API Web Service created in PHP to a MySQL Database.  It sends a mail when new rows are inserted in the database and attaches a copy of the database as a Excel document.

Still in construction.

Plans to do next:

In a world full of information users take very quick decisions regarding mobile applications, looking to save time and not spend it on useless things. That is why it is very important to capture the user’s eyes right away, when the user gets to the application he would look immediately at the style of the interface and then at the information that will help him determine if he or she is in a good application that has a meaning and is useful. Over the years there has been a standard layout with which the user has gotten used to and looks for them first to make an easier navigation.

This is a mobile application that helps people connect so that they can get to the same destination easier and accompanied and why not a great opportunity to make friends while travelling.
