Client Testimonials

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Glen Henry

Project Director, Spritewrench Studios

It was a joy collaborating with Cleon, and his team. Able to quickly grasp the creative direction I wanted for my project and deliver in a timely manner. Additionally, his education efforts within the community, and region, are heartening to see. I look forward to an explosion of talent for this budding creative sector, as a direct result of his training programs.

Renardo Johnson

Communications Strategist, Johnson's Residence

I worked with Cleon's Company as client from time to time observing positive behavior, work ethics, the determination and drive that he has, I particularly remember sleepless nights and busy days that we had. One thing that stands out is the quality of work that is always displayed.

I recommend Cleons business to anyone in whatever a capacity because they won't leave you with a frown on.

Geoffrey Golden

Co-Host, Worst Movies Ever Played

Cleon is a joy to work with. He takes direction really well and throws himself into his characters. If you’re looking for a great actor and collaborator, Cleon’s your man.

Industry Coach Written Testimonials

Joel Henry

A little bit about myself, my goal in the future is to run my very own entertainment company focusing on games, animations, music and shows. However in order to start my business I needed some experience in these areas, especially game design.

I started in 2nd form yet died off due to the amount of school work I had to do. Making me very rusty in game design. However, when I found the Code with Sundae's Course, it made my learning experience easier. I was able to learn about animations, programming and game design all in one. Especially tips and tricks when developing your own game.

What made this course amazing was the fact that in the first few sessions, it became a great stepping stone to start my very own side projects. Not only that but I was able to learn new things effectively while working on my side projects as I learnt new things that can be applied.

Alexandra Malcolm - Voice Actor

He has a genuine passion for what he does. He wishes nothing but the best for anyone he takes into his care. He's patient but no pushover.

He works tirelessly for the good of his students. Even when they disappoint him he never gives up on them. He sees the potential you don't in yourself and makes it his point of duty to draw it out

Industry Coach Video Testimonials

Courtney Edwards - Voice Actor

A Video Testimonial of Courtney's journey in Voice acting and some benefits he's noted to come out of it.
The full video shows where he's coming from in his journey to where he is when giving his testimonial, however, only the testimonial is highlighted here.

Click here, to watch the full video.

This is from doing the Introduction to Voice Over 3 months Course.

Leishawn Greenland - Game Development

Leishawn started out like many others with the mindset that you have to excel in maths and have to be a programmer just to do game development, here you can tell just how much he learnt and what is actually needed to become a game developer from being a part of the free Code With Sundae's Course that is held every year.

Antoneo Williams - 3D Architecture Designer

Antoneo mentioned how he was able to learn how to make buildings to put inside video games and how this knowledge has helped him to understand more about real world architecture and compares the fundness to playing Minecraft.

This freedom in creativity and understanding of real world space makes it one of the things he enjoyed about the Architecture Previz Course.

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