
Machine Learning

2019 - Present Aix-Marseille School of Economics, PhD Economics, 12h
2022 - 2023 University of Toronto, MSc Economics, 24h
2019 - 2022 École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, MSc Economics, 24h

This course introduces machine learning for quantitative research in economics. Starting  with non-linear regression, the course provides a comprehensive understanding of some of the most capable supervised learning models such as random forest, gradient boosted trees and neural networks, including specialised model structures for modelling images and text data. Every model is solved mathematically before being implemented and optimised from scratch using Python. Practical applications focus on predictive modelling in economics including the processing of high-dimensional data such as satellite images and historical maps, documents, news transcripts, among others.

Topics coming soon: Autoencoders, Disentangled representations


Deep learning applications

2023 - Present Sorbonne School of  Economics, MSc Economic Development, 18h
2022 - Present Barcelona School of Economics, MSc Data Science, 20h (with Edoardo Nemni)

This course introduces image processing and a range of specialised network structures to extract information form images. These tools enable the researcher to transform high-dimensional and unstructured data such as historical maps, handwritten documents, aerial and satellite images into simpler representations that can be used as inputs to econometric models. The models are solved mathematically, implemented and optimised form scratch in Python.


Behavioural data science

2024 - Present Sorbonne School of  Economics, MSc Economics & Psychology, 18h (with Bastien Blain)

 Topics coming soon: Deep Q-learning



2019 - 2022 École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, MSc Economics, 24h

This course introduces regression methods for applied economic research. After covering multivariate regression and statistical inference, the course focuses on practical estimation issues such as collinearity, heteroscedasticity, serial correlation or endogeneity. Each problem is detected using the appropriate statistics and valid estimates are computed using alternative estimators. Sessions include comprehensive theorising yet keep a strong focus on intuition and effective implementation. We make extensive use the R programming language, both to illustrate abstract statistical concepts using simulated data, and to replicate research papers.


Previous teachings


2016 - 2021 Econometrics, Saint-Etienne School of Economics, MSc Economics, 18h
2016 - 2017 Macroeconomics, Saint-Etienne School of Economics, BSc Economics, 24h

Teaching assistant

2013 - 2016 Macroeconomics, Saint-Etienne School of Economics, BSc Economics
2013 - 2016 Internal Finance, Saint-Etienne School of Economics, BSc Economics
2013 - 2016 Internal Trade, Saint-Etienne School of Economics, BSc Economics