House Cleaning Services

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Cleaning By Love House Cleaning Services




Hailey, Ketchum, Bellevue, Carey, Blaine County


(208) 481-0347


Mon- Fri

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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House Cleaning In Hailey, Ketchum, Bellevue Idaho

House Cleaning Tips

Clean The Entire House Not Just A Room

It is easier to clean a single task, such as vacuuming, mopping, and dusting. This will make cleaning much

more efficient than having to do it in all rooms, including the bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen. This will prevent

you feeling like you are in an endless cleaning loop, completing the same task over and again.

All Your Cleaning Tools Should Be Kept In A Caddy 

 It doesn't matter if you have a bucket, a tote or a caddy; having all the tools you need in one place makes it 

easier to do the job. It's easier to clean than searching for tools and you don't have the hassle of putting them

away before the next job.               

Clear Out The Clutter

  Before you start cleaning, make sure to go through every room and take out all the clutter. Consider whether to

put away, donate, or throw out each item you find - old sneakers, magazines, well-read paperbacks and other junk.

Vacuum And Dust 

 Turn off ceiling fans before you begin dusting. Dust only the tops of furniture, the undersides, shelves, 

handrails, picture frames, knickknacks, and TV screens. Tie a microfiber cloth to a mop, broom, or other tool

for difficult-to-reach places like blinds and higher shelves. Before you vacuum, change the sheets in your bedrooms.   


Wipe Glass And Mirrors

Wipe all mirrors and glass surfaces with one moist microfiber cloth followed by one dry.

Home Cleaning In Hailey, Ketchum, Bellevue Idaho

More House Cleaning Tips       

Clean Countertops And Other Surfaces

You should clean all hard surfaces in your home, including countertops, cabinets, and appliances, as well 

as doorknobs and light switches, television remotes, and telephones. Some surfaces can transmit germs to fingers

and faces so disinfect them. Mix one-fourth to half cup of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with a cup water

to make a nontoxic disinfection mixture.


Focus On Bathtubs, Shower Stalls, Sinks And Toilets

Spray cleaner on the sink in the kitchen, then spray it on the tubs, toilets, and bathrooms. Allow it to sit for

a while so that the cleaner can dissolve any dirt or stains. Next, return to the kitchen and begin scrubbing. Make sure

to clean the inside of your microwave. Make sure to clean the toilets afterward.

You want to ensure your garbage disposal is clean while you are in the kitchen. Click here to learn how to clean

your garbage disposal.

Sweep First - Then Mop

Make sure to sweep the bathroom and kitchen floors.  Start in a corner that is farthest from the door way, so you don't 

trap yourself in a corner. The move backwards towards the doorway. Clean a four by four foot area, then rinse your mop.

Keep Moving When You Vacuum

You don't have to vacuum every corner. You can just keep moving and vacuuming in the house. You don't have to do all

the tasks every week. These tasks include cleaning windows and waxing furniture. You can inspect these accessories 

and make your own judgement.

Routinely Wash Your Cleaning Tools

Make certain to maintain your cleaning tools by cleaning them routinely. Using a dirty mop just wastes your time as does

vacuuming with a full bag. Clean tools are much more effective and will save you time and energy.

House Cleaning Services In Hailey, Ketchum, Bellevue Idaho

Floor Cleaning Introduction

Fundamentals Of Floor Cleaning

A clean home is key to a healthy and happy home. However, maintaining your floors can seem daunting when you have so many

different types of flooring in your home. Although regular floor cleaning is necessary, once you have our tips you will find

that it doesn't have be something you fear. We can help you clean your floors, no matter if they are mostly hardwood, stone,

tile, or carpet. We also share pro-approved products to help you with every task.


It is essential to sweep, vacuum and mop floors for most surfaces. This will remove dirt and dust from the surface. There

are many factors that affect how often you should clean your floors. It is recommended that you clean your floors at least 

once every two weeks. You should sweep your floors regularly, especially if you cook a lot. This will ensure that food and 

other debris doesn't get kicked up and scratch the floors. It is best to sweep all floors, as water can cause damage, 

even waxed wood.


Your cleaning process will also depend on the type of flooring. Different flooring materials are easier to clean than 

others. You should be cautious when cleaning hardwood floors. To avoid scratches, you should not use abrasive cleaning products

like bristle brushes or scrubbing pads. Before cleaning your floors, read the labels. Did you know that household products

are not required by manufacturers to list their ingredients? Before you wash your floors, make sure to check the guidelines 

of the Environmental Protection Agency.

What Is House Cleaning?

House cleaning is what people do to remove mess, trash, and dirt from where they live and put things where they belong so the house looks neat. House cleaning makes it easier to see the floor and furniture without clutter in the way. It also leaves fewer places for spiders and insects to live and removes dust so that people in the house can breathe more easily. Housecleaning may be sweeping the floor with a broom, cleaning rugs with a vacuum cleaner, cleaning clothes and putting them away, and washing windows. Washing a sponge, squeezing out the water, and placing it on a dish rack to dry is also part of housecleaning.

What Are Some Of The Basic Supplies Needed For House Cleaning?

Vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner is a definite must-have, even if you don’t have carpeted floors. Don’t have the space or budget for an upright option? Purchase a handheld, also known as a dustbuster, which is great for vacuuming problem areas like baseboards, couches, and errant pet fur anywhere it ends up.

Microfiber cloths. Microfiber cloths are gentle enough to clean all surfaces without leaving behind scratches, including stainless steel and glass. Buy a few, and toss them in the wash with your towels on a regular basis to keep them clean.

Bucket. You might not need a bucket every time you clean, but when you do, you’ll be glad you have it. When not using it for another purpose, utilize it as a caddy for storing your cleaning supplies and carrying them from room to room.

Broom and dustpan. Any broom and dustpan will work wonders when it comes to taking care of dust, fur, dirt, and anything else that ends up on flooring that isn’t carpet. Similar to a vacuum cleaner, you can buy a small handheld option for tight spaces that offers the same capabilities with just a little bit more work required.

Flat mop. A flat mop, or dust mop, is a good alternative to the standard and unruly mops that a lot of people are used to. And if you don’t like the ideas of tossing pre-purchased mop pads after each use, it’s super simple to make your own.

Rubber gloves. A good set of thick rubber gloves is cheap to buy and a necessity for protecting your hands from cleaning chemicals and whatever grime you’re coming up against. As a bonus, they last a lot longer (and provide a lot more protection) than latex or nitrile gloves. And while you’re at it, pick up another pair too to keep in the kitchen for protecting your hands from hot water when you’re washing dishes.

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House Cleaning Services In Hailey Idaho From Cleaning By Love

House cleaning from the experienced team Cleaning by Love
Floor cleaning and commercial cleaning services from Cleaning By Love Hailey Idaho
Hailey Idaho house cleaning and residential cleaning services from Cleaning By Love
Who can clean my home? The reliable and experienced home cleaning service experts at Cleaning By Love
Cleaning By Love in Hailey Idaho provides house cleaning services for home owners and rental property owners.
Get the best in house cleaning services in Hailey Idaho from Cleaning By Love
Reliable house cleaning services in Hailey Idaho from Cleaning By Love.
Toilet cleaning for your home in Hailey Idaho from the professional house cleaning company Cleaning By Love

More About House Cleaning Services 

Cleaning By Love

407 Broadford Rd

Bellevue, ID 83313
