Learning Science Course

In my role as Director of Learning Science at Cengage Learning, I created a course to introduce employees to principles of Learning Science they could immediately use in their daily work.

Since my goal was to provide non-experts concrete suggestions from well-established guidelines, the bulk of references were taken from APA (2014) Applying the Science of Learning in Education. Complete list of references is at the end.

I chose to share this sample as evidence that I can help facilitate the transfer of educational psychology research into practices of instruction, or in this case curriculum development, even for people without an academic background in education. Examples are often provided from texts that I served as Editor/Product Manager from respected authors such as Drs. John Cacioppo and Wayne Weiten.

Also I want to highlight my ability to work in asynchronous distance situations. Because over 1000 employees over North America would take the course, I created it as a non-moderated, self-paced online course in MindTap, the Cengage Learning Virtual Learning Environment, similar to other third party platforms like Canvas or Moodle. You can see a screenshot of a MindTap course below, and watch an overview here.

Course inside MindTap VLE

To share I have formatted the online course as a document to render on this site

Learning Science Course