The aim of this workshop is to introduce you to the field of Ecological Economics. The workshop provides a variety of tools to find solutions to environmental crises such as biodiversity losses, water and air pollution.  It is an interactive pedagogical tool accompanied by a rich list of references if you wish to go deeper into the literature.  In the first part of the workshop, participants will be introduced to basic definitions, discover the different approaches within the field and discuss them with your group. The second part of the workshop is focused on the question:  “how to live well within planetary boundaries?” Participants will imagine the type of society we want to live in.  

The workshop results from the collaborative work with Dr. Chandni Dwarkasing (SOAS Economics) and Adrien Plomteux (UCL, Institute for Global Prosperity). The workshop is a freely accessible resource for all students and citizens who are curious to know more about Ecological Economics. You are welcome to share it. As such, we hope to support the efforts of those who support climate justice and pluralism in economic education.  You can download the three documents below. 

Guide to the Host

Part 1 of 3

Guide to Host_Workshop on Ecological Economics.pdf

Guide to the Participants

Part 2 of 3

Guide to Participant_Workshop on Ecological Economics.pdf

Supplementary Material

Part 3 of 3

Material_Workshop on Ecological Economics.pdf