Economic teaching is pivotal to supporting the next generations of economists. Engaging classrooms can be constructed using innovative exercises, real-world examples, historical perspectives, and a pluralism of perspectives. I have been involved in advocating for curriculum change through the Rethinking Economics network and other initiatives. The documents below are open-source teaching materials created to support teachers and students:

about exercises and strategies to bring real-world and pluralist economics in classrooms
Edited by Clara Dallaire-Fortier

about Keynesianism and the economic crises of the 20th Century

by J. Christopher Proctor
& Clara Dallaire-Fortier


Ecological Economics Workshop
3-hours introduction to the field includes a Guide to Host, a Guide to Participants and Extra Resources

by Chandni Dwarkasing, Adrien Plomteux, & Clara Dallaire-Fortier

covering Numerous Perspectives
on the Environment

by J. Christopher Proctor
& Clara Dallaire-Fortier