
Clan Structure

Leaders of Nile Delta include Osiris as God, Greed as Pharoah, and Bilbobaggins as Royal Guard.

New members begin in the Initiate ranks, first as scarab beetles before advancing to a cat, and then a citizen. Initiates can advance to Member ranks, where they start out as a mummy, and then a temple guard, and finally a royal guard, which is the highest level a member can attain, other than the elders.

Remaining engaged in the clan and participating often in its activities is expected. Promotion is based on how active players are in the game.

Elder Ranks

  • God

  • Pharoah

  • Priest

Member Ranks

  • Royal Guard

  • Temple Guard

  • Mummy

Initiate Ranks

  • Citizen

  • Cat

  • Scarab