
Research Papers:

·      “The Political Economy of Medicaid: Partisanship, Eligibility, and the Consequences of Cost-Saving Measures” (with Jee Hun Choi). Working Paper 

               -     Online Appendix for "The Policial Economy of Medicaid" 

·      "City's Soft Power: Political Networks and Financial Allocation in China" (with Yuting Wang), Working Paper.

·       “What is Behind the Size Effect? The Role of Large Hospitals in the Medicaid DSH Program”, (with Jee Hun Choi). Working Paper 

 -  Supplementary material for “What is Behind the Size Effect? The Role of Large Hospitals in the Medicaid DSH    Program”

·      “U.S. Electric Utilities and Deregulation: Trends, States' Choice, and Political Environments,” Working Paper.

·     "Firm Behavior and Polarization" (David Godes et al.) Working Paper.

·     "What Shapes the Quality and Behavior of Government Officials? Institutional Variation in Selection and Retention Methods" (with James Snyder),  Annual Review of Economics, for Volume 13, 2021.

Summarized in a Vox article here.

·     “Dynamic Natural Monopoly Regulation: Time Inconsistency, Moral Hazard, and Political Environments” (with Ali Yurukoglu)  Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 126 (1) pp. 263-312 

-       Supplementary material for “Dynamic Natural Monopoly Regulation” 

·  “Infrastructure Investment and Regulation: Evidence from the U.S. Electricity Distribution Sector” (with Ali Yurukoglu) 2018. Microeconomic Insights

·      “Do Judges’ Characteristics Matter? Ethnicity, Gender, and Partisanship in Texas State Trial Courts ” (with Bernardo Silveira and James Snyder) American Law and Economics Review, 2016, 18 (2), pp. 302-357 

·      “Media Influence on Courts: Evidence from Civil Case Adjudication”, American Law and Economics Review, 2015, 17(1), pp.87-126 

·      “Is More Information Always Better? Party Cues and Candidate Quality in U.S. Judicial Elections” (with  James Snyder)  Journal of Public Economics 2015, Vol 128, pp.107-123   

-       Supplementary material for “Is More Information Always Better? Party Cues and Candidate Quality in U.S. Judicial Elections”


·      “The Judge, the Politician, and the Press: Newspaper Coverage and Criminal Sentencing across Electoral Systems”  (with James Snyder and David Stromberg),  American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2015, 7 (4), pp.103-135

-       Supplementary material for “The Judge, The Politician, and the Press”

 Featured in the American Economic Association Research Highlights:

·      “Preferences and Incentives of Appointed and Elected Public Officials”, American Economic Review, 2013, 103 (4), pp.1360-1397

-       Supplementary material for “Preferences and Incentives of Appointed and Elected Public Officials”


Current Projects:

·     Political Representation and the Funding for the Highways in the US

·     The Political Economy of Public Transit Infrastructure Spending