Claire Gormley CStat

Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics 

University College Dublin.

claire.gormley at                 (+353) 1716 2525                   @icgormley                   @data_science_ie

I conduct research in statistics and teach statistics to undergraduate and graduate students. 

I am co-director of the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research Training (CRT) in Foundations of Data Science, with co-directors Prof. James Gleeson (UL) and Prof. David Malone (MU). Our CRT will train over 120 PhD students from 2019 to 2026 in the foundations of data science. I am a Principal Investigator in the VistaMilk Research Centre for Precision Pasture-based Dairying and a Funded Investigator in the Insight Centre for Data Analytics.

My research develops novel, apposite statistical methods, largely based on latent variable models, for the analysis of high dimensional data, often of mixed type. The methods I develop are often motivated by and solve applied problems across a range of disciplines, including epigenetics, metabolomics, genomics, social science, sports science and political science. 


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