The missing link

The missing link.

Hi; kids, and big kids,

I'm Marie Claire, the who wrote the letter-poem on Vimeo,

the same who has done two channels on youtube, one is 'unite de dieu' marie claire and is yet there ( with trees and rose flowers on the tree ).

2. I just want you to know me to be clear about me.

3. The same Claire who was beguiled by the Serpent like this could have beguiled everyone of you if you where there instead of me at this moment.

4. That's what I' ve demonstrated in my youtube channel 'unite de dieu. I explained that God did loose His autority ( usurped by Satan since the original sin ) see Genesis 3. When Eve desobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit.

You know : just like in the whist ( card game ). I thought it was great to play in Satan's team instead to think it was great to play in Adam's team. Here is, Kids, and big kids, what's happened. The cards, mixed since Genesis 3, the history began on a bad manner and consequences are now, yet manifest.

Indeed, the two seeds, ' from God and from the devil, instead to be separated, are together, without a clear limit. The truth mingled with the lie, everywhere and now more than ever.

5. Since Jonas, throwed in the sea and staying 3 days and 3 nights in a whale's belly and suddenly thowed out this belly.

Jonas had to annonce to Ninivah, sinful town, that they had to repent, unless their town should be destroyed , and Ninivah did repent for her sins; so did God spare Ninivah. ( book of Jonas in the bible )

6. We have seen the story of Sodoma and Gommora 'genesis ch.19'; burned by God's judgment, because of their sins.

7. Then, there is Noah's flood story 'Genesis ch.7'. This flood was a 40 days storm, then 5 months tempest, then after 1 year , it stopped and only Noah's and his family were saved with the pair of animals. Because of the world's wickedness.

8. Now, God's plagues and judgments will be greater in intensity at the end of times. Because the rebellious angels ( to God ); wants to attack humanity, knowing that they have but a little time left. They go on serving Satan and their idols.

And Jesus, the only Son and Messiah , resurrected from death, cannot solve things instead of us.

9. Things like what?

- Like people following a pope pretending to be the son of God and prononcing one blasphemy after another. Writing so much books and mixing lies with truth. ( see John ch.5 v. 43 :" I'm come in my Father's name and ye receive me not. if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive ).

- Like a Gates and govnmt who,if we believe them, will catch out our God's gene, their hypothesis is that is fondamentalist's gene and that's better to kill this 'horribel gene' by a vaccine. In fact , he wants to kill our spirituality ' see : 'Take heed to the word', 2 months ago on ytub.

. But , dear Billy, you and your friends, 'open to China', like Trump said, you promote LGBTQ movment; isn't it fudamentalism?

Because I learned since along time ago that you impose this movement in schools : trans are welcome there to say to the children : 'it is so good to become trans'...

- Did God condamn this practices or not?

. Let's go back in Genesis ch.19 : . Remember, at Sodoma and Gommora, when men compassed Lot's house when God's angels came to save Lot. This men said to Lot ; 'Where are the men who came this night, that we may abuse them.

. are they not like your friends, those who compassed Lot's house, then? Abusing innocent kids at school...Imposing your ideas and rules without parent's consentment??

10. Then, kids, and big kids, the whist , the same begon in Genesis 3, is not yet finished.

We are all in Danger; now.

The Old Serpent ch.20 v.2 is yet among us but is condemned;

We are not condemned and can escape.

Maybe we've followed him; consciously or inconsciously, in pharmakia or idolatery, money...but we can yet escape.

The Snake wants us to bite in his poisened fruit again and again.

Fruit more and more poisened and dangerous.

11. Now, he found a man made illness or sickness, financed by Fouci and co ( open to China ).

They 'propose' this 'remedy' ( or fruit ).

This disguised Serpent, with his big big smiles and seringes ( see Billy's photos ) knows that he's lying to humanity because he wants to make us fall. For that, he takes 3 steps ;

1. The pope : so he have thrust from a majority of people.

2.The chip :on ID cards and bank cards.

3.The V seringe and the micro-chips in people's bodies. So, he makes dirty and kills God's temple 1 Cor ch.6 v.15...

So at this end of times, the Old Serpent, very cunny and fierce try now, by strong delusions ' seringes, blue beam...'to make us fall, like he is fallen ( jalousy ).

Conclusion : It is urgent and essential to stay focus on our Savior and Father to be protected by Him.

In this dispute or 'play'; we have to answer this question :

- Shall we say 'yes' to the Serpent and his poisened DNA, like Eve did ( but she repented ; like Ninivah ).

- Or shall we say 'yes' to our God almighty, who gives His life and His own precious Blood ( DNA ) to save us from this Snake?

. Tie-break question :

-Which God do they mention at the entrance of your churches?

All Glory to the almighty God and to His beloved Son. Amen.