
Do not forget to upgrade your Go compiler ...

The 2023 benchmarks are available on this Web site.

The upgrade to Go 1.21.5 has significantly improved the results (up to 30% improvement), as well as the relative ranking of CLAIRE versus other programming languages. This confirms our strategy of selecting Go as our underlying language (benefiting from Google's commitment with Go).

Do not miss our new column "Cool Samples" in the "Getting Started" section

This web site now includes a "column" of CLAIRE programs that solve simple problems, and compares them, for the sake of curiosity, with what generative AI such as ChatGPT would say on these problems.

Version 4.1.0 is available at last (October 22nd, 2023)

This new version is now stable enough to reach the beta status, since six projects have been ported (and compiled to Go) successfully.

You may download this new version on the GitHub page:

See our "getting started" section on this web site to get the list of CLAIRE sample projets that are public on GitHub.

note: From now on, odd version number will be used internally and all public version will be even numbered.

Interpreter Download !

You may now simply download the claire interpreter without any installation process (hence without requiring admin privilege on your laptop)
Visit the GitHub page:

and go to the "interpreter" folder. More info on this page

Version 4.0.7

Version 4.0.7 will be released this month of January.

Two previous libraries have been ported from CLAIRE 3.5, which increases the test coverage.

Version 4.0.6

The current version is CLAIRE 4.0.6, which was released in June 2022.
This is still a prototype.


Get more info about CLAIRE 4 on our page: