Getting Started

1. Download

You may download CLAIRE4 on its GitHub site:

NEW: you may download CLAIRE4 interpreter as a single file

2. Documentation

You may download CLAIRE4 Documentation on its GitHub site:

In addition to the CLAIRE reference manual (which is partially available online on this website), you will find a few Powerpoint presentations about CLAIRE.

Do not forget to take a look at the CLAIRE Tutorial, either on the reference manual or on this web site.

3. Community

CLAIRE previous peak happened 20 years ago with CLAIRE 3 (built on top of C++)
CLAIRE 4 is a new implementation (built on top of the Go language) that is still very young ("beta status" has just been reached this month - October 23)

4. Short Examples

You may find a stream of simple CLAIRE programs here.
These example illustrate some differentiating features of CLAIRE, applied to well-known puzzles and problems.

5. Longer Examples

The following is a list of GitHub projects written in CLAIRE:

CLAIRE 4.1.0  has reached the beta status since all these projects have been ported sucessfully to CLAIRE4, both using the interpreted and compiled mode.