Criminal Justice Instructors of Missouri


CRIMINAL JUSTICE INSTRUCTORS OF MISSOURI (CJIM) is an association developed by the CTE Criminal Justice Instructors in Missouri. CJIM was formed in 2014.

CJIM Executive Committee

Angeleic Huth - Chairperson

Riley Ankron - Vice-chairperson

Oren Barnes - Secretary

Shannon Higgins - Treasurer

2024 Annual Fall CJIM Meeting 

Dates: Thursday and Friday- December 7th and 8th

                     1800-2100 12/07/2023

                     0800-1500 12/08/2023

Location: Lake Career and Technology Center, 269 Dare Blvd, Camdenton, MO 65020

Congratulations Angeliec Huth New ACTE Teacher of the Year 2023-2024

Link to LAPSEN
