Cities as sources of information
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Our project
The motivation of our project is to create opportunities for our gifted students who need a more student-centred approach and positive learning environment in classes to make them engage in learning by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. And to reach this aim, we want to focus on the cities because according to the Strategy of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (2021–2023), more than half the world’s population lives in cities today; by 2030, this figure is predicted to have risen to 60% which leads to different problems such as climate changes, violence, inequality, and poverty. For example, according to OECD studies, %80 of the economic growth is generated in cities. Also, cities have always been a source of inspiration for artists, poets, and writers with their historical and cultural beauties. So, cities can be regarded as a great source of inspiration for students interested in art, and entrepreneurship, and also for teachers who want to try new strategies in their classes.
In order to create opportunities for our students, we have planned our project in a way that will lead our students to do research, work, and create as a team. Also, gifted students are vulnerable to failure in their academic lives due to problems like the inability to gain self-discipline, so we want to support them with training and workshops.