Speakers Profiles

Fabrice MERIAUDEAU was born in Villeurbanne, France, on March 18, 1971. He received both the master degree in physics at Dijon University, France as well as an Engineering Degree (FIRST) in material sciences in 1994. He also obtained a Ph.D. in image processing at the same University in 1997. He was a postdoc for a year at The Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He is currently Professeur des Universites and was Director of the Le2i (UMR CNRS), which has more than 200 staff members, from 2011 to 2016. His research interests were focused on image processing for non-conventional imaging systems (UV, IR, polarization) and more recently on medical/biomedical imaging. He has coordinated an Erasmus Mundus Master in the field of Computer Vision and Robotics from 2006 to 2010 and he was the Vice President for International Affairs for the University of Burgundy from 2010 to 2012. He has authored and co-authored more than 150 international publications and holds three patents. Since 2016, he has joined Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS as a professor.

Tong Boon Tang received the B.Eng. degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. degree in Intelligent Sensor Fusion, both from the University of Edinburgh, U.K., in 1999 and 2006, respectively. In 2012, he joined the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS as an Associate Professor. Previously, he worked as an ASIC engineer of Lucent Technologies, Singapore, and a Senior Research Fellow at Institute of Integrated Micro and Nano Systems, the University of Edinburgh, U.K. He was the recipient of the IET Nanobiotechnology Premium Award in 2008 and the Lab on Chip Award in 2006. He is currently an Associate Editor for Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, and a Vice Chair of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (Malaysia Chapter).

Mohd Ibrahim Shapiai is a senior lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He received MEng from University of York, UK in 2007 and PhD from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in the area of machine learning in 2013. During July until August 2015 he was a visiting researcher at Department of System Design Engineering Keio University, Japan for his collaborative research work with Assoc. Prof. Yasue Mitsukura. He is also, the visiting researcher at Faculty of Design Kyushu University, Japan for his collaborative research work with Assoc. Prof. Gerard Remijn in March 2017.He is now working actively in the area of brain computer interface (BCI) as deep learning focused application. He has conducted several deep learning training in Kuala Lumpur since 2017. He has been invited as speaker at HPC, Grid, Cloud & Identity (HGCI) Summit 2017 for his work on “Artificial Intelligence for Image and Signal Processing in Biomedical Applications” which exploring the advancement of deep learning for brain computer interface technology. He is now heading the project to establish Nvidia AI Centre at MJIIT, UTMKL with GTX Station as computing platform for modelling and deployment.

Désiré Sidibé is an associate professor at University of Bourgogne since 2009. He graduated from Ecole Centrale Nantes in 2004 (MSc) and University of Montpellier in 2007 (PhD). His research interests include object detection and tracking, and medical image analysis. He has published about 70 papers in international journals and conferences and hold one patent. He has received, a best student paper award at SPIE Medical Imaging conference in 2105. He is a member of IEEE.

Mojdeh Rastgoo graduated from University Teknologi Petronas in Electrical and Electronics BSc in 2009.She pursuited a European master, "Computer vision for robotics (Vibot)" from 2009- 2011. She got her doctorate in computer vision from universitat de Girona and Universite de Bourgogne in 2016 under the topic "An approach to Melanoma Classification Exploiting Polarization Information", since then she has done a 2 years postdoc working on ANR project "Polarimetric Vision for navigation of the robot" and currently works as Data scientist for Saint-Gobain Research. Her research interests focuses on machine learning, image processing, biomedical imaging and data analysis. She has authored and co-authored in international conferences and journals in the recent years.

Guillaume Lemaitre is a post-doc at the Center for Data Science at INRIA Saclay Ile-de-France. He got a MSc in Vision and Robotic in 2011 (ViBOT) delivered by the Universite de Bourgogne, Universitat de Girona, and Heriot-Watt University. He also got a MSc in Business Innovation and Technology Management from the Universitat de Girona in 2014. He got a joint-PhD from the Universite de Bourgogne and Universitat de Girona in 2016. He is currently working on data science applications.

Su Ruan received the Master’s and the Ph.D. degrees in “Image Processing” from the University of Rennes 1, France, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. She is currently a Full Professor with the Department of Medicine, and the Leader of the Quantif Team, LITIS Research Laboratory, University of Rouen, France. Prior to joining the University of Rouen in 2010, she was a Full Professor in the University of Champagne-Ardennes. Her main area of research is image processing, particularly in the fields of image segmentation, pattern recognition and data fusion, medical image processing. Her developments include advanced machine learning techniques, shape models, non-rigid registration, graph-based image segmentation and data fusion strategies that are applicable to medical imaging, such as MRI, PET-CT. She has supervised 19 PhD thesis and is currently supervising 2 ones. Her work has appeared in prestigious journals and has been presented at many international conferences.

Ibrahima Faye received a BSc, MSc and PhD in Mathematics from University of Toulouse and a MS in Engineering of Medical and Bio-technological data from EcoleCentrale Paris. He is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. His research interests include Engineering Mathematics, Signal & Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Dynamical Systems. He is member of IEEE, EMBS and French Mathematical Society.