Summer School Medical Imaging 2018

Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Medical and Biomedical Applications

DATES : 6 – 10 August 2018 (9am – 5pm)

Venue: Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS


Medical imaging and biomedical imaging are producing a huge amount of data each day. These data need to be process in order to assess the medical doctors in their diagnosis. This five days summer school will focus on all aspects of the Computer Aided Diagnosis applied to medical and biomedical data. It will cover the concept of medical and biomedical image acquisition up to the decision level by revisiting the states of the art “hand crafted” machine learning approaches such as classifier ensemble, Neural networks, logistic regression, KNN applied to HoG, SiFT or SURF features and will finish with the most recent techniques such as Convolution Neural Networks or auto encoders. The school will also have some “hands on sessions” as well as will show some real results obtained by the various speakers.


  • Introduce the participants to medical and biomedical imaging
  • Introduce the participants to advanced machine learning tools and applications in medical imaging.
  • Hands on practice with deep learning tools on large datasets
  • How to analyse and interpret the results
  • How to choose an appropriate statistical test for analysis

TARGET AUDIENCE : Biomedical researchers, Scientists, engineers, postgraduate students, Academician, industry researchers.

SPONSORS : The summer school is organised by Institute of Health Analytics (IHA) & Co-organised by Centre for Intelligent Signals & Imaging Research(CISIR) and Co-sponsored by French Embassy Malaysia.