Past Events
2024 Events:
Shmoocon - attendee
Gallifrey One - attendee
PancakesCon 5 -
BSidesSF - attendee
RSA - attendee
PyCon - attendee
Diana Initiative Organizer
Skytalks at BSidesLV Organizer
DEF CON Attendee & Meetup Organizer
BSides Saskatoon - Speaker
August 24 - BSides Saskatoon inaugural year
2023 Events:
Shmoocon - Speaker - Ya Got Trouble (and SLSA may help)
Shmoocon 2023 Jan 20-22
BSidesSF - Attendee April 22-23
RSAC - Attendee April 24-27
Open Source Summit North America - Sponsor
2022 Events:
Diana Initiative, Organizer
DEF CON August, SkyTalks Staff
2021 Events:
Crucial Conversations Training class - January
product talk continuous discovery class - February
Sip & Stocks 101 class by Keirsten Brager - February
Trailblazing Women Summit - March, Attendee
Her Product Lab Virtual Summit - March, Attendee
Axe-Con - March, Attendee
GRIMMCon 0x4 - March, Attendee
Day of Shecurity - March, Attendee
DEF CON China - March, Attendee
PancakesCon2 - March, Attendee
"Ask Me Anything": Submitting a CFP with The Diana Initiative with CSNP - Panelist - April
Deserted Island DevOps 2021 - April 30, Attendee
StirTrek May 7, 2021, Attendee
RSA (Virtual) May 2021, Attendee
Women In Product 2021 (Virtual) May 25-27, Attendee
Diana Initiative (Virtual), Organizer
BSidesLV (Virtual), Attendee
GitLab Commit (Virtual) August, Speaker
Black Hat (Virtual) August, Attendee
DEF CON (Virtual) August, Attendee
QueerCon (Virtual) August, Attendee & Meetup host
IBM TechCon 2021 (Virtual) August, Speaker
2020 Events:
Shmoocon 2020 - Washington, DC - Volunteer (Labs)
Purple Squad Security Episode 68 - All About The Diana Initiative with Circuit Swan
31 flavors of Gallifrey One - January 2020 - Los Angelis, CA - Attendee
WoST Women of Sex Tech - May 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
HOPE Hackers on Planet Earth - July 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
H@cktivitycon 2020 - July 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
GenCon - July 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
Black Hat USA - August 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
DEF CON - August 2020 - Virtual - Attendee (Arranged Unofficial DEF CON Virtual Prom)
The Diana Initiative - August 2020 - Virtual - Co-COO, Speaker
GitLab Commit - August 2020 - Secure & Defend Booth
BSides Newcastle 2020 - September 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
Startup Chica - October 2020 - Virtual - Volunteer (Mentor)
CC Creative Commons Summit - October 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
Hacker Halted - October 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
AoIR Association of Internet Researchers - October 2020 - Virtual - Attendee
2019 Events:
Shmoocon January 2019 - Washington, DC - Speaker
Presenting at Firetalks "Specialists versus Jack-Of-All-Trades" by Nicole Schwartz (@CircuitSwan)
Abstract: Information Technology (IT) has grown up a lot, and security only really became a field recently. Those who have had a variety of experiences, or those who have grown up along with the field of security, have had the advantage of being Jack-Of-All-Trades. Those who know how many of the pieces fit together (even if they can’t do the other roles) have a better understanding of upstream and downstream risks, more ways to look at problems, and a larger selection of solutions to choose from. I want to advocate stepping back from being only specialists, leverage conferences to learn, and network to grow your knowledge of the whole IT sphere.
Sparklecon February 2019 - 23b Shop Fullerton, CA - Attendee
LocoMocoSec April 2019 - Kauai, Hawaii - Attendee
GitLab Contribute May 2019- New Orleans, Louisiana - Attendee
BSidesSATX June 2019 - San Antonio, Texas - Attendee
AWS Summit New York - July 2019 - NYC, NY - GitLab Booth Staff
BSidesLV August 2019 - Las Vegas, Nevada
Volunteer working the TDI booth
The Diana Initiative August 2019 - Las Vegas, Nevada - Staff
DEF CON August 2019 - Las Vegas, Nevada
Volunteer running "DEF CON Ladies Meetup"
Assisted with SkyTalks village pre-conference
QueerCon August 2019 - Las Vegas, Nevada - Attendee
Derbycon September 7, 2019 - Louisville, KY - Speaker and resume clinic volunteer
Are you ready to leverage DevSecOps? Get ready and use it for good.
As a security practitioner, the trend of Agile and DevSecOps is coming. Whether developers or management are pushing for it, you should be prepared. DevSecOps sets security as a metric of success for developers and encourages security to be a consideration continually through a project lifecycle. This is a vast improvement to the usual methods of taking security into consideration only at the end, in the beginning, or avoiding talking to security at all. You should be seizing the opportunity to leverage the popular DevSecOps movement to your advantage. I want to arm you with ideas on education, resources, tools, and practices to do DevSecOps well from a Security department standpoint.
BSides Edmonton Sept 19, 2019 - Edmonton, AB - Speaker
Title: Are you ready to leverage DevSecOps? Get ready and use it for good.
Description: As a security practitioner, the trend of Agile and DevSecOps is coming. Whether developers or management are pushing for it, you should be prepared. DevSecOps sets security as a metric of success for developers and encourages security to be a consideration continually through a project lifecycle. This is a vast improvement to the usual methods of taking security into consideration only at the end, in the beginning, or avoiding talking to security at all. You should be seizing the opportunity to leverage the popular DevSecOps movement to your advantage. I want to arm you with ideas on education, resources, tools, and practices to do DevSecOps well from a Security department standpoint. At the end of my talk, I want you to be able to increase the security posture of your engineering teams without drastically increasing friction for any of the other teams.
Defendcon September 2019 - Seattle, WA - Assisting and presenting at Resume Clinic
Slides 2019 Defendcon tips and tricks for your job hunt
Shellcon October 2019 - San Pedro, CA - Speaker
Are you ready to leverage DevSecOps? Get ready and use it for good.
As a security practitioner, the trend of Agile and DevSecOps is coming. Whether developers or management are pushing for it, you should be prepared. DevSecOps sets security as a metric of success for developers and encourages security to be a consideration continually through a project lifecycle. This is a vast improvement to the usual methods of taking security into consideration only at the end, in the beginning, or avoiding talking to security at all. You should be seizing the opportunity to leverage the movement to your advantage. I want to arm you with ideas on education, resources, tools, and practices to do DevSecOps well from a Security department standpoint.
Recording: TBD
Tuneup Tips for Your CV and Profile, From an Interviewer
Are you getting (back) into the job market? What is important to do for your CV, your LinkedIn profile, and what should you prepare for in interviews? I’ll take you through a speed review of items I look for, as well as link you to some available resources to hopefully increase your chances of landing a job. Please note all companies and fields have their own unique expectations and needs, so advice can never be one size fits all.
BSidesDC October 2019 - Washington, DC - Speaker
Are you ready to leverage DevSecOps? Get ready and use it for good.
As a security practitioner, the trend of Agile and DevSecOps is coming. Whether developers or management are pushing for it, you should be prepared. DevSecOps sets security as a metric of success for developers and encourages security to be a consideration continually through a project lifecycle. This is a vast improvement to the usual methods of taking security into consideration only at the end, in the beginning, or avoiding talking to security at all. You should be seizing the opportunity to leverage the movement to your advantage. I want to arm you with ideas on education, resources, tools, and practices to do DevSecOps well from a Security department standpoint.
NightVale Live - A Spy In The Desert - November 2019
The Blind Hacker Twitch Guest
BreakSec Podcast Guest Episode 41 and Episode 42
Second Order Chaos Twitch - Guest
High Tea Security Guest
AWS re:Invent 2019 December 2019 - Las Vegas, Nevada - GitLab Booth
IFX 2019 December 2019 - Las Vegas, Nevada - Speaker
Beer Con One #BC1
Recording of everything -
2018 Events:
Super Magfest, MD
Shmoocon, DC
Katsucon, MD
HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth), NYC
GenCon, IN
August 2018 BSidesLV
Presenting at Proving Ground “What is Agile and how can I use it well?” Slides
The Diana Initiative, Las Vegas August 2018
Presenting “Women in Technology - it’s not JUST a pipeline problem”
Conference Schedule (No Video Available) Slides
DEF CON & (One of the organizers of) Skytalks
BSides Edmonton
Grace Hopper Celebration, Houston, TX
Derbycon, KY
HUMP film festival, DC