Mini Project: Light switch


The goal is to use the button as an on/off switch for the LED. Press the button, and the LED turns on (LED should STAY on until button pressed again). Press the button again, and the LED turns off (STAYS off).


  • 1 Metro M0 Express

  • 1 breadboard

  • 7 wires

  • 2 resistors (330 ohms)

  • 1 LED light

  • 1 push button


We are going to be using the same circuit as we did in the Button and LED exercise. The diagrams are provided again here for reference.

4 pin push button

2 pin push button


import board

from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull

import time

led = DigitalInOut(__________)

button = DigitalInOut(__________)

led.direction = Direction.__________

button.direction = Direction.__________

button.pull = Pull.UP #Pull: defines the pull of a digital input pin

buttonState = False

ledState = False

while True:

buttonState = button.value

if buttonState and ledState:

#button is pressed and led is currently on

led.value = __________

ledState = __________

elif buttonState and not ledState:

#button is pressed and led is currently off

led.value = __________

ledState = __________



import board

from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull

import time

led = DigitalInOut(board.D13)

button = DigitalInOut(board.D2)

led.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

button.direction = Direction.INPUT

button.pull = Pull.UP #Pull: defines the pull of a digital input pin

buttonState = False

ledState = False

while True:

buttonState = button.value

if buttonState and ledState:

#button is pressed and led is currently on

led.value = False

ledState = False

elif buttonState and not ledState:

#button is pressed and led is currently off

led.value = True

ledState = True
