Activity Ideas

Autism Acceptance Activity at Tri-County

Shared by Mandy Schmidt

For Autism Acceptance month, I shared weekly Bingo Boards with kindness and autism awareness/education challenges.  Families/kids/teachers were encouraged to submit pictures or videos of kids completing the tasks and were rewarded with a piece of candy for every Bingo earned.  One of our classes went all out and had nearly every student participating. It was really fun to see the kids' creativity and thoughtfulness.

I created videos of the pictures and videos submitted and shared them on the school's Facebook page.  

Video Example.

Bingo Board Example.

Scavenger Hunt at LaVista Middle School

Shared by Dana Coleman

We had a scavenger hunt around the building.  Groups had to consist of focus students and peers. They were given a list of people (staff) and objects to take pictures with around the building.  Once the time expired they had to report back and show their pictures to get points.  Kids love this activity!

Spreading Holiday Cheer at David City Public Schools

 Shared by Anna Kouba

During the month of December our group made Holiday cards for all the teachers in our building and went around to deliver them to the teachers! We ended with a holiday party doing the Saran Wrap Game and Christmas Jeopardy! 

Anna’s Tip: We use Jeopardy Labs to create our Jeopardy games. Our kids love it!

Sharing Talents at Shelby Rising City Elementary

Shared by Stacy Stewart

For our holiday party we had each student make eight items at home that shared their talents. This was a time for each student to shine and share with our Circle of Friends group. Each student was so proud to show off their homemade gift. This handmade gift exchange was fun and a success!! 

Thanksgiving Celebration at Irving Middle School

Shared by Ashley Forbes

Last week we made "hand turkeys" and wrote what we were thankful for. My room had glitter and feathers all over the place after they all left so I think it was a total success. This next week we are going to do "Friendsgiving" and watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and eat what they eat in the movie (popcorn, jelly beans, and toast) :) 

Ashley’s Tip:

My group is larger and I try to keep it a pretty fluid group / let it be open throughout the year. I had to ask for another teacher sponsor. I now have 3 to help me manage the group and this has helped us so much. We meet every other week for the last 30 min of the day and it's good to have it every other week to plan fun activities!! 

Everyone Wins at Humboldt Table Rock Steinauer

Shared by Diana Platt

On our Elementary Field Day, the fourth grade boys decided to let Owen, a student with autism win first place because he had never won a ribbon before. 

Diana's Tip: 

Kindness wins every time! 

ca8e7e41cbab14f115fdd47b182bb7d3 - Diana Platt.mp4

KC Coffee Shop at Tri-County

Shared by Jenna Fehringer

The Tri County Elementary started a coffee shop this year called TC Coffee. The money raised during the school year at the coffee shop was used to go on an outing to a local coffee shop. The students worked on many skills on the outing such as the math skill of counting money, the social skill of ordering a drink and the skill of patience while waiting to get their drink and waiting for their friends. 

Jenna's Tip: 

An outing in the community may not be easy, but there are so many skills the students learn in an outing! The students families always appreciate the outings, because the students may not have the experiences otherwise! 

filtered-1FA9B4B9-783A-45B1-A024-A17CB4F50FEE - Jenna Fehringer.MP4

Affirmation in Action

Shared by Anna Kouba

For our last COF meeting with seniors this year at the HS I created a 5 X 7 cardstock with each student's name on it in the middle. Then during our meeting we took turns passing around each person's paper and the kids had to write one word to describe that person or one word that describes a memory with them. We used colorful markers and then I plan to get them little plastic magnetic frames to put them in so they can all keep them as a reminder of how great they are! 

Anna's Tip: 

I try to plan my COF meetings around what is happening at that time such as prom, holidays, or community events. 

Papillion La Vista Tournament

Shared by Bobbi Moraski

Our Circle of Friends groups participated in a Unified Kickball Tournament.  We practiced every 10 days as a team all year long.  It was an incredible journey, ending with an amazing tournament! 

Bobbi's Tip:

Allow members of the group to brainstorm ideas for group.  It's amazing how thoughtful and creative they can be.  Kid inspired activities are often the best!  

Keeping It Simple at Diller O'Dell Valentines Day Outreach

Shared by Kristie Sutton

Our group is smaller this year and sometimes it is only a couple students when we get together.  In February we made Valentine's Day cards for the elderly.  When we went to deliver meals on wheels we gave out the cards.  The elderly loved them and they could thank our student directly for making them.  The students not only made them and decorated the cards but got to personally deliver them which was amazing to see.  

Kristie's Tip:

I’m keeping it simple and fun this year by involving my students in the community.

Fitness Challenge and Spread the Word Inclusion Campaign At Shelby-Rising City

Shared by Stacy Stewart

Winter Fitness Challenge And Spread the Word Inclusion Campaign by Stacy Stewart

The 5th grade Circle of Friends Group has been competing in a 5 week Winter Fitness Challenge through the Special Olympics of Nebraska. We work as a team to encourage and motivate each other. If you are interested in signing up for this program it is free! Reach out to Arissa Bavari at It’s a great program to use during COF meetings! Quick, easy, and fun!

Also our COF group led a Spread the Word Inclusion campaign hosted by Special Olympics. It was a success!! Free Educator Resources HERE! 

Stacy’s Tip:

Look into Special Olympics for free programs to use during Circle of Friends times!

Millard Public Schools Goes Bowling

Shared by Lachelle Zuhlke

We took our Circle of Friends group bowling! We are fortunate to have a bowling alley within walking distance of our school, so we were able to enjoy an afternoon of bowling and snacks! We were able to practice ordering food, interacting with friends without using electronics, and good sportsmanship. For some students this was a new activity that pushed them outside of their comfort zone but everyone had a great time! 

Lachelle’s Tip:

Continue to educate and communicate with your peer helpers as your group learns and matures throughout the school year.

Business Donation Makes Field Trip Possible

Shared by Lachelle Zuhlke

We received a generous donation from a local community group that allowed us to take our COF group to Vala's Pumpkin Patch for the day! We were able to pay for the bus and admission for all of our students at Vala's. It was the first time many of our target students had been there, but going on a school day allowed for them to experience it was smaller crowds and with the comfort of friends and classmates. We saw excellent leadership from our peers and flexible thinking from our target students. Most importantly, we saw joy and friendship from them all! 

Tip From Lachelle: Stay with it when things are tough! Nearly all peers and focus students are more open and engaged after year one. If you can get to year three or beyond, even better!! 

Shelby Rising City Staff Vs. Students Bowling Tournament

Shared by Stacy Stewart

The circle of friends group organized and held a staff vs students bowling tournament. It was great to see the positive relationships between all. Fun prizes were won by all! We plan to host this event again and continue to pass on the golden gutter from year to year! 

Fall Pumpkins at Crete

Shared by Jessie Meinke

We have started a weekly "lunch bunch" and it's already a success. Attached are photos are our Fall pumpkin carving and painting. 

Tip From Jessie:

Having a team of leaders is helpful, I couldn't do it without my other co-sponsors. They're amazing and I appreciate their support. 

Craft Idea...Slime!

Shared by Ashley Forbes

We made "edible slime" with corn starch, water, and pudding mix and sprinkles!! The kids LOVED it and it was a really fun interactive activity! We had students write out the recipe and predict what they thought the slime would look like after we made it! Make sure you have the recipe handy and staff to help assist! 

Group Photo Scavenger Hunt at Crete High

Shared by Jessie Meinke

During one of our recent meetings, our Circle of Friends group worked together on a scavenger hunt in the high school. They had clues and the goal was to get a group photo in at each of the locations or with the person in the clue. They had a great time.  

Crete High School Track Exhibition

Shared by Tessa Petereit

This month we had our circle of friends students participate in an exhibition event at one of our home track meets.  We ran a 4x100 and a 100m dash.  All of the students loved it and we had great support and participation from the crowd. It's so neat to be able to provide these experiences to some of our students who have not had the opportunities to do things like this before.   

You Are "Thumb"body Activity

Shared by Dana Coleman

We did this activity where they put the paper on their backs and everyone has to write something positive about that person.  It was a great activity for the end of the year.   

You Are "Thumb"body 

Engaging Activities at Portal Elementary

Shared by Bobbi Moraski

We have done a lot of turn-taking activities at Portal this year.  The COF group has been together for a few years so I will let them pick from fun activities.  Their favorites have been making and frosting cookies on the I-pad app, building with magnets, cup stacking, the game Left Right Center, bingo, and spending time in our sensory room.  I have created weekly sensory room challenges that they try to complete as a group.  I love pairing the students up and having them work through the challenge as a team.  When they complete it they get to write their name on the leader board.  Here's a few pictures from our year.  

Inclusion Artwork at Unified Champion

Shared by Janet Henne

Our Circle of Friends/Unified Champion School group created this work of art as part of our Inclusion Pledge. We ended up with 38 total staff member names and 313 total student names.  Our principal, Mr. Ayres, will be randomly choosing approximately 72 student names and 10 staff names to receive a special treat.  Our puzzle pieces were put together and are on display in the art case.  Students were encouraged to find their name as well as their friends' names. 

We have several other group activities such as painting pumpkins, decorating/making Christmas ornaments, making cookies, 3D paper puzzles, scratch art, diamond art, game nights, pizza and movie night, bowling, rec. center, High School musical (appropriate edicate), McDonalds night (worked on ordering off a menu and respectful table manners while in public), Cody Park (Christmas activity), Inclusive School Week activities, Crazy Sock Day, Autism Awareness activities, and more.  Members worked several concession stands to raise money to support activities.  

Shelby-Rising City COF Supports Special Olympics

Shared by Stacy Stewart

Here's a great idea! The Special Olympics of Nebraska will help schools host Little Feet Meets. The shirts are provided by SONE and the Circle of Friends groups help to lead the stations.  

What: Little Feet Meet Track Day 

Sponsored by: Special Olympics of Nebraska

When: May 16 at 12:30-2:30

Who: Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Why: To build friendships with friends of all ages while participating in non-competitive activities

**Special Olympics of NE will be in attendance to accept a check from the Circle of Friend's Group 

How this will work: There will be different activity stations on the football field. Kindergarten to 5th Grade students will be mixed together in groups. Then a timer will go off that will indicate moving to the next station.

***Staff please plan to be at a station to staff it during the event. Equipment/materials will be provided. 

-----Students will all receive a free tshirt to wear to the event

Whippet Kind Wednesday at Minden Middle School

Shared by Julie Ratka

On March 31st our Circle of Friends group celebrated Whippet Kind Wednesday. We had high school students fill out Whippet Grams sharing something positive with a friend or staff member, and then we delivered them. Every staff member at MPS and every student at MHS got a homemade chocolate chip cookie with the slogan "Be Whippet Kind". In addition, every middle school student and East Elementary student received a Smartie with the following quote: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem & SMARTER than you think." We wanted to make sure every student and staff member in the district was touched that day. In addition, we sold t-shirts that said Kind Vibes throughout the district and asked those that purchased them to wear them that day.

COF and Special Olympics

Shared by Stacy Stewart

 Shelby Rising City COF group is participating in a Special of Olympics of NE Winter fitness challenge. We compete and enter our top leader every week until the end of March. Check out the SONE website for fun activities for you to sign your COF group up for! 

Kickball Tournament and Evening COF Meeting Times

Shared by Cortney Larsen

I've changed up my Circle of Friends group this year.  Instead of meeting in the mornings on Fridays, we are meeting once a month in the evening from 7-8pm.  This has brought in double the amount of peers I have because it works best for their schedules.  We started in November with a Friendsgiving Dip party.  Everyone brought a dip to share and we played games in teams- boys against girls.  I had 18 students in attendance (7 students and 11 peers). In December we did a gift exchange and I had 20 students in attendance (8 students and 12 peers).  In February we had a movie trivia night.  I only had 12 students attend that night due to illnesses (3 students and 9 peers).  However, this month I had a kickball tournament and 65 students attended- students from all walks of life.  It was amazing! I gave a speech beforehand about Circle of Friends and the purpose.  There was so much inclusion going on it was amazing to watch.  One of my students even sang the National Anthem before we started playing.  I'm trying to grow our group.  The interactions my students are having in the hallway with these new friends is amazing to see as well. 

Social Outings at Kenwood Elementary

Shared by Trisha Abels

Our Circle of Friends groups at Kenwood Elementary have gone on two social outings this quarter. First, we attended a Kearney High School boys' basketball game. Our AD at KHS even donated admission, a drink, popcorn, and candy to each of our members. We reserved a section prior to the events that night for our group. Many of the kids had never attended a similar event and loved it. Kearney High's Athletic Director felt so strongly about our efforts to provide social opportunities for our students that he offered free admittance to any Kearney High event including the arts. It was a great opportunity for some of our students with autism to attend an event out of their interest area with the goal to strengthen friendships more than watch a sport. 

In February, the group went to the Big Apple Fun Center in Kearney. We started with treats and an introduction activity. Then the kids reviewed the parts of a conversation from Jill Kuzma's website and participated in 2-minute conversations. Then they switched and conversed with a new partner. Finally, they broke into four groups to bowl, play miniature golf, enjoy Ballocity, or laser tag. We had lots of volunteers to supervise and facilitate social interaction. It was a huge success!

Music Brings Kids Together

Shared by Anna Kouba

I wanted to share an idea I implemented recently into our COF group. I have 2 students who love music and that is how they can connect best with others. I had them work together to create a playlist to play during our group time. This has helped them to develop a relationship and it gives them a way to contribute to our group.  

Hotwheels Car Derby

Shared by Kristie Sutton-Diller Odell High School

Our Circle of Friends group had fun holding a hot wheels car derby.  Andrew Klecan, our autistic senior, was in charge of this event.  We created this iMovie to share our experience.  The kids helped make the brackets, get the teams set up and video the race.  Enjoy! 

Creative Coloring

Shared by Ashley Kouba, Lewis and Clark Middle school

"Creative Coloring"

I took this idea from the book 104 Activities That Build: Self-Esteem, Teamwork, Communication, and Coping Skills   We divided our students into groups of five. Each group was given a large sheet of paper and 5 markers. They had to divide the markers to each group member so everyone had at least one, and that was the only color they could use to recreate a picture (no trading or sharing was allowed). Our 7th grade group was told to draw the school, which proved to be somewhat challenging. When we tried this activity with our 8th grade group, we gave them a simpler art picture to recreate. Before they started drawing, we had a discussion about working in a group and did some pre-teaching of the social skills for working in a group. Afterward, the students talked about how they completed the task, was it difficult, and why it is important to worth with others as a member of a team. 

Crete Elementary Practices Social Skills and Generosity

Shared by Caitlin Sawyer

The 1st and Kindergarten Circle of Friends groups made wreaths to give to school staff! They students practiced turn taking, social conversation, and the school character trait of generosity!  

NASA Moon Landing Team Building Activity

Shared by Mary Schlieder

Our group had fun yesterday with this team building activity, Moon Landing. The kids are divided into teams, provided a survival scenario and required to rank survival items from most to least important. They take a few minutes to rank their list on their own, then come to a consensus as a team. When done, you share NASA's ranked list with an explanation of each item. If you want to have a designated team winner, there's a process for scoring. There's also a Lost at Sea themed activity. All the instructions and materials are provided for you:

FREE Updated Random Acts of Kindness Lesson Plans and Materials-Perfect for Circle of Friends Meeting Ideas

Tri-County Kids Help Purchase Materials For Future Meetings

Shared by Jenna Fehringer

The Tri County Circle of Friends group had a fun time on their Circle of Friends Field Trip.  They first stopped at Walmart to pick out board games for future Circle of Friends meetings. Then, they enjoyed lunch at Red Robin where they all enjoyed the bottomless steak fries.  Last, they enjoyed the beautiful weather at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo. The peer mentors did a great job engaging with the target students at the zoo and during lunch. 

Norris CoF Spreads Random Acts of Kindness

We wanted to end the year with a community service project and did the following:

West Dodge Station Elementary Helps Out Animal Shelter

Shared by Allison Lex

This Circle of Friends group got to read to a therapy dog and also make treats for the humane society. The boys made chew toys for dogs which were sent off to the humane society.

Prize Ball Is Back, Friday Fiesta

Shared by: Jenise Straight

The Circle of Friends students loved that it returned and enjoyed the prizes! They also recently participated in a fun Friday fiesta. Check out the video link to learn how to make a prize ball for your group:

Lefler Middle School Circle of Friends Distributes Kindness Cards

Shared by: Richelle Dowding

Lefler Middle School in Lincoln Nebraska finished sending our friends anonymous Kindness Cards.  Soon, we will be attending a group movie. Second semester we will be planning for our 2nd annual talent show.

Know Your Classmates--Free Curriculum/Campaign Materials For You

Beyond Differences is sponsoring national "Know Your Classmates Day" October 21st. The program has a middle school focus Designed to create healthy and open relationships among classmates, this program has a middle school focus. If you have a middle school CoF group, this might be worth your time and effort to consider.  Everything is free! Check it out here: Know Your Classmates Campaign Materials

Kicking Off the New School Year: Getting to Know You

Shared by: Jen Faz and Mary Schlieder

Every year new students join our high school group so before we get into any awareness or social skill lessons, our focus is to  help kids get to know each other and bond through fun activities. For one of these, first we had kids each write their name on a popsicle stick as they entered the gym and gave them a 'Getting to Know You' sheet. Then we held up signs and had groups group themselves by things like eye color, shoe color, how they get to school, favorite video games, and favorite foods. Before moving to each new group category, we instructed the kids to try to learn as many names as they could and have discussions using the 'Getting to Know You' sheet. At the end, we drew names from the popsicle sticks along with a number and awarded prizes if the student could name that many students. 


Shared by: Stacy Ringlein

Today we completed a team building activity that was planned by the peers.  Our Amherst group divided into two teams (boys vs girls).  The goal was to build the tallest tower in 7 minutes.  We allowed them to work for 3 minutes then we took away talking.  For the last two minutes, they couldn't use their dominant hand plus no talking.  Great activity to make your groups work together!  

Backpacks for Puerto Rico--Using Service Learning Projects to Teach Social Skills and Empathy

Shared by: Mary Schlieder and Jen Faz

Our Circle of Friends group just finished up a service learning project where we collected backpacks, school supplies to fill them, and money to ship them to a middle school in Puerto Rico  destroyed in Hurricane Maria. Not only do service learning projects teach empathy and the benefits of helping others, they prove to be a good opportunity to teach social skills. Our students first learned about Puerto Rico and the hurricane devastation. Then, they worked in groups to visit every classroom in our school wide study hall period to present the need and ask each class to donate one filled backpack and the money to ship them. They practiced how to work effectively in groups while doing the presentations and in helping each other write personal notes to include in each backpack. Then, they had to work together to assemble the boxes for mailing. Thirty-six backpacks were shipped. If other groups are interested in helping out a school in Puerto Rico (the need is great), email me at and I can connect you with a classroom teacher requesting help and walk you through the process. 

Panthers Circle of Friends Kids at Fillmore Central Get To Know Each Other

Shared by: Jenise Straight

Panther Black Circle of Friend at Fillmore Central Middle School met this week and participated in a fun activity.  Instructions included taking as much toilet tissue that "you need" without knowing what it was being used for.  Some students took a large amount and some only took two or three squares!  After each student had their amount, they had to share with the group something about themselves for each square of toilet tissue!  Those students with large amounts were extremely creative with their responses! 

Bryan Elementary Uses Technology To Build Friendships

Shared by: Amy Kopanic and Gina Meyer

We had a great first couple of meetings.  The students made videos introducing themselves.  We then turned the videos into QR codes and partnered up to watch the videos and learn about each other.

Bryan Elementary Escapes Lava Pit!

Shared by: Gina Meyer

We have been working on making group plans .  We played a game called lava pit where the students have to figure out how to get their group across the lava pit successfully.  

We also have new COF t-shirts this year.  They say "We got your back" on the back of the shirt.

Ralston Makes Friendship Quilt

Shared by: Kelly Madison

I wanted to share some pictures with you of the "Circle of Friends Quilt" that our four COF groups assembled. (We have two seventh grade groups and two eighth grade groups.) First, we talked about the qualities that we think are important to being a good friend.  Each group brainstormed, and desirable qualities were written on the white board.  Next, a puzzle piece was handed to each student.  On each student's puzzle piece, his/her friends wrote a quality that they liked about that person.  Last, each person read all of the positive comments on his/her puzzle piece to their group, so that everyone could hear all of the awesome qualities we all possessed!   It was a great way to let all of our students know what qualities their peers see in them!  Since we meet during lunch, this activity took several weeks from beginning to end.

Louisville Elementary Happenings

Shared by: Mona Routley

Louisville Social Skills

Louisville Fun and Gratitude

No One Eats Alone Day Information

February is the month for National No One Eats Alone Day. Click on this link to learn more. It might be a good Circle of Friends project for your group to take on!

QR Code Video Building Community Project

Shared by: Mary Schlieder and Jen Faz

In an effort to continue to promote school community beyond Circle of Friends, we had our kids sponsor a 'People Worth Knowing' project. Staff and students created short videos on the topic 'Things You Might Not Know About Me'. The kids and staff uploaded their videos to their Youtube channels and shared the video links with us. Then, we created QR codes containing the video links and hung them up at different locations in the building so students could hold their phones up to the codes which would open the videos. At one of our meetings we challenged kids to go out in the hallways and view as many videos as possible. They were given 24 hours to watch as many as they could not only during the meeting, but lunch, passing periods, before and after school. Then the students who viewed the most videos received gift card prizes. At our next meeting we'll be sharing out what they learned about staff and students from the videos. Here's some examples of the videos that were created along with a link to the QR code generator we used.

QR Code Generator

Student Video #1

Student Video #2

Student Video #3

Student Video #4

Staff Video #1

Staff Video #2

Scavenger Hunt at Fillmore Central Middle School

Shared by: Jenise Straight

The Middle School Circle of Friends groups had a scavenger hunt around the school.  Groups of students worked together to take pictures of various items found in and around the school.  Some examples were:

The teams cooperatively worked to determine which items to find and how to locate them within the allotted time.  Each item was assigned a point value and the following were the winning groups:

Panther Purple Team A – Bella, Dakota, Thayne, Carson

Panther Black Team A – Bob, Kellan, Aiyana, Teneal

Panther Silver Team A – Dawson, Nic, Jake

The Panther Black Circle of Friends had the most points with 138!  Congratulations Bryan, Bob, Jordyn, Kellan, Aiyana, Tenal, Hunter!

Bryan School Shares Simple Way to Record Meeting and Activity Plans

Shared by: Gina Meyer and Amy Kopanic

Looking for an example or ideas? Click here:

Meeting and Activity Schedule 2016-17

Norfolk High School Circle of Friends Semester Update

Shared by: Ellen Larsen

There were activities to get to know each other, we painted pumpkins, we had a turkey scavenger hunt, and then ended December with making and donating fleece blankets to our local mission center!  It was a busy and fun semester! 

Tri-County 2nd Graders Practice Friendship Skills

Shared by: Jenna Fehringer

At Tri County we had a Circle of Friends fun day with all 2nd grade friends.  Students moved to different stations and the entire 2nd grade class practiced friendship skills they learned throughout the school year.  We made a sign with all of the second graders names in dot paint, played twister, played frisbee tic tac toe, legos, did a parachute activity and made picture frames.  The students then had snacks/drink that all kids could eat.  (from Whole Foods)  The kids absolutely loved the stations and they worked well together! Attached is the picture from the dot paint activity.

North American Martyrs Circle of Friends Hosts Minute to Win It Tournament

Shared by: Sister Abigail Marie

Our Circle of Friends group consists of a group of sixth graders.  At the request of the students in the group, we invited the rest of the sixth grade to an after school event.  Eighteen other sixth graders joined our group for a Minute to Win It Tournament.  I gave a brief explanation of Circle of Friends (this was our first year) and a short presentation on staying positive and encouraging each other when playing competitive games.  Not only were the teams competing against each other to see who could win the most rounds, they were also competing to see who could be the most positive and encouraging. 

At each station, two teams would compete against each other with a Minute to Win It task.  The adult running the station would make tally marks for all the positive and encouraging remarks said by the teams.  For every tally mark a team received, they would get to put a square of their team color into a container.  At the end of the tournament, the winning team members were able to get a prize.  Then I drew from the bucket of colored squares to determine the order for the rest of the teams to go pick out a candy bar.  The students did an awesome job and had a lot of fun! 

Minute to Win It games have been very successful for our Circle of Friends group overall.  The tasks are so random that it evens the playing field.  It provided a great framework for celebrating each other’s success and learning how to appropriately respond when the students themselves or a teammate didn’t do well.

Minute to Win It Game Ideas

Dudley Elementary 'Elf Yourself...Give the Gift of Kindness' Campaign

Shared by: Erin Feather

Dudley Elementary in Gothenburg has had their Circle of Friends help to spread some good cheer this holiday season.  We have been encouraging acts of kindness with our "Elf Yourself...Give the Gift of Kindness!" campaign.  We worked together as a team with both our target student and the peers to create the large bulletin board in our school for the month of December.  We came up with good deeds to do and then every day in December a present is unwrapped and a new good deed is the focus of the day.  We also have had nomination slips for teachers and students to fill out when they see others doing random acts of kindness.  Those nominations are placed in a box and then those nominated can have their picture taken with the elf.  Random acts of kindness has really helped our school focus on catching others doing "good" deeds.  The campaign has been very successful this holiday season.  We have one target student and seven peers and two leaders in this circle.  

Falls City Middle School Ice Cream Social

Shared by: Brenda Streit      

I just wanted to let you know that we had our first peer and target meeting today and it was a huge success!  After eating lunch together, we had a nice cream party with all the trimmings. A peer sent out a survey to vote on what kind of ice cream and toppings everyone wanted. Out of the 5 half gallons, most of it was gone. After feasting, the students did a get to know you ice breaker activity that I made on Board Maker, so everyone could participate easily (see attachment). The peers were so attentive and helpful. We have such a great group of kids here at Falls City. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings.

Strengths and Challenges Activity

Shared by Teresa Califiore, Kooser Elementary School

When all of us met, we discussed strengths and challenges and used the chart to list them.  Then, we took our strengths and wrote them on strips of construction paper.  Next, we made paper chains for each of us.  Finally, we put all the individual chains together to show how much more talent and ability we have together as a group than as individuals.  

The students really enjoyed this activity and were excited seeing the paper chain in one huge circle.

Fun YouTube Video Contest!

Shared by Mary Schlieder, Jen Faz, Norris High School

For our end of the year meetings we had a fun (and easy to in no planning involved!) Youtube video contest. Anyone who wanted shared a funny video from the internet with the group--school appropriate, of course!--while we shared snacks. After everyone had a turn, the kids voted for the best one with the winner receiving a Barnes and Noble gift card.

Cool Scavenger Hunt and Thinkagrams

Shared by: Jordan Crawford and Sheila Hubbard

Team Building Scavenger Hunt Activity Instructions


Walnut Creek Elementary CoF Schedule

Shared by Katherine Griess

Our COF group is run by myself (special education teacher) and Reagan Stotz (speech language pathologist). We have one focus student and five peers (2 girls and 3 boys). Our group usually meets bi-weekly, and on the weeks we don't meet, the group does a lunch bunch in the cafeteria where they all sit by each other and eat. In our meetings we play games that work on social skills, having conversations, book study, or any other skills that we feel are necessary for the focus student. Last year we were planning on going to the Stormchaser game, but it got rained out. This year we are planning on doing an outside of school activity such as bowling, family fun center, etc., but we haven't worked out all the details yet.

Meeting Activities Don't Have to Be Complicated!

Shared by Jen Faz and Mary Schlieder

We've spent several 'peer only' meetings educating peers on conditions focus students have including Autism/Aspergers, Down Syndrome, and Angelman Syndrome. We had an all group 'getting to know you' activity, and last week had another all group social meeting. The meeting started with snacks and sharing details about our fall party to be held at one of our paraprofessional's barn this weekend. After that we asked the kids to brainstorm ideas of what they wanted to do during our future Thursday morning whole group meeting time. Their list included dodge ball, Red Rover, badminton, and kickball to name a few. We brought them into the gym afterwards to spend the rest of the meeting time shooting hoops. Some kids chose to visit instead, but they all had a blast...not much planning on our part. All we had to do was put out some basketballs and make sure the nets were down. The point is, kids just want to get together. Meeting preparation can be easy.  If you provide a time and a place and a few simple options of things to do, they'll take care of the rest! We plan to continue peer education 'peer only' meetings with 'all group' meetings that combine social skill instruction and socialization activity time. 

Norfolk High School Circle of Friends Semester Update

Shared by: Ellen Larsen

There were activities to get to know each other, we painted pumpkins, we had a turkey scavenger hunt, and then ended December with making and donating fleece blankets to our local mission center!  It was a busy and fun semester! 

Harrison Elementary Learns About Animals, Conquering Fear, and Playing Together

Shared by: Ann Anding

I wanted to update you on what our Circle of Friends group at Harrison Elementary in OPS has been up to lately. I can't send you a whole-group picture, as we don't have photo releases for everyone, but here are some highlights. 

Our school year is off to a great start! We have a diverse age-group this year and everyone has made new friends. Recently, we took a field trip to Scatter Joy Acres - a farm that takes in abused/neglected animals. We had a great time learning about the animals, conquering fears, and playing together! We even got to take home pumpkins just in time for Halloween! 

Plenty of Opportunities to Teach Social Skills at Dudley Elementary's Friendsgiving in Gothenburg!

Shared by Erin Feather

Here are a few pictures from our Circle of Friends, Friendsgiving held today.  We had a nacho bar and completed the meal with brownie sundae's.  The students enjoyed a quick game of Mad Gab to conclude the festivities.