The Circular Economy

What are The Linear and The Circular Economies?

by Salvador Escobedo

March 6, 2022

The Linear Economy

This process of linear economy is the current method that has been used for years. This, however, is creating a lot of pressure in our communities, public health and environment. The linear economy moves in a straight line from designing, using and disposing. This type of economy is usually represented as shown below.

The Circular Economy

The circular economy in simple words means that nothing is wasted (click on video below for additional information). This system retains and recovers as much added value as possible from resources by recycling, supporting, designing, reusing and reinventing products and materials (see diagram below) [1].

This type of economy finds innovative ways to improve conventional industrial processes to make them sustainable, energy efficient and economical.


[1]. Government of Canada [Date modified: 21-03-2022]

Video taken from Reference [1].

Circular Economy