National Art Honor Society
The Churchill National Art Honor Society is a chapter of the National Art Honor Society branch of the National Art Education Association, a professional organization with the goal of advancing visual arts education. NAHS provides the unique opportunity for us to attain our highest potential in all forms of visual art by enriching our lives with the aspects of art in the form of volunteer events, school involvement, and membership meetings. We also strive to raise awareness of art education throughout our school and community.
Members have the ability to participate in school-wide fundraisers, field trips, art-related volunteer opportunities, and more. The only application requirement is a 3.0 GPA or higher and a genuine interest in art. No artistic talent required!
If you are interested in joining the Churchill NAHS or have any questions, feel free to contact Jazmyn Meadows (NAHS President) at We hope to hear from you soon!
The NAHS application for the 2020-21 school year is available below. Click the link and either print off or download the file to complete the application digitally or on paper. All applications are due by October 1st, 2022, to Mrs. Stack in Room E-506 or emailed to the NAHS President. Late applications may not be accepted. If the date is an issue for you, please contact us in advance.
Applying for membership is as easy as filling out an application and turning it in to Mrs. Stack in Room E-506. To pay for the rainbow cords NAHS seniors receive, members are required to pay $5 in dues annually, for each year of their membership. Returning members do not have to fill out a new application.
The official NAHS membership is not granted until the induction ceremony, held after school near the beginning of the year. Inductions are the most important step in securing NAHS membership. All new and returning members must attend inductions to attain full membership. If you cannot attend inductions, please contact the NAHS president (contact information below).
Maintaining membership status is based on a point system relating to events attended. At the end of each semester, members are required to have accumulated a total of 5 points. By the end of the school year, members must have a total of 15 points. Members who fail to reach any of these quotas will have to arrange a way to make up 1.5x points with the NAHS President and Officers or risk having their membership revoked. The system for earning points is outlined below:
1 point each
1 point each
1 point for set-up (3 points for candy-grams)
2 points for manning a booth
1 point per hour volunteered
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PRESIDENT: Jazmyn Meadows (