The climate-phenology-hydrology associations have been analyzed using SEM (structural equation model) in a forested watershed, central Taiwan.

Chang CT* et al. (2022) Ecological Indicators 145: 109650 

The trends of global air pollutant emissions and acid depositions across three networks in north hemisphere. 

Chang CT* et al. (2022) Science of The Total Environment 806: 150552

Vegetation-climate associations across various timescales in a subtropical mountainous island, Taiwan. 

Wang HC & Chang CT* (2021) Remote Sensing 13: 3298

The concept of Landscape Ecology and landscape patterns within various riparian buffers have been used to predict NO3-N and PO4-P exports of 43 watersheds in subtropical mountainous Taiwan. 

Chang CT* et al. (2021) Landscape and Urban Planning  207: 104017

The tree species identification using time-series of NDVI combined multiple features in a forested landscape.

Xu, Tain, Zhang, Yue, and Chang* (2020) Remote Sensing 12(10): 1554

This study reviews Tropical Cyclone and ecosystem-disturbance interactions from a scale-link perspective.

Lin, Hogan, Chang (2020) 

Trends in Ecology & Evolution 35(7): 594-604 [Cover Story]

The study utilized the in-situ survey data and Landsat images to evaluate the recovery patterns of forest carbon density in a soil-degraded landscape and the anthropogenic governance over the past 35 years in southeastern China.

Source: Xu, Chang*, et al (2019) European Journal of Forest Research 138: 397-413

The drought assessment using both in-situ meteorological stations and MODIS-derived indices revealed that most of them did not work well except for NDII6 and NDII7. In addition, the higher correlations of SPI3- NDII6 most appeared at central and southwest Taiwan in which drought condition was manifest compared to northeast Taiwan.

Source: Chang CT et al. (2018) International Journal of Biometeorology 62: 809-822

The comparisons of SO42-, NO3-,Ca2+, and NH4+ depositions at Fushan Experimental Forest in northeast Taiwan (1994-2013) and forest sites in three monitoring networks worldwide (NADP [1994-2013], EMEP [1994-2013] and EANET [2001-2013]). 

Source: Chang CT et al. (2017) Science of The Total Environment 605-606: 88-98

The extreme peaks and regular seasonal cycles of forest litterfall at northeast Taiwan were dominated by typhoon disturbance  and climate factors respectively.

Source: Lin, Hamburg, Wang, Du, Huang, Chang*, and Lin*. (2017) Scientific Reports 7: 4911