Game Changers
My Father was a CEO Catholic (Christmas / Easter Only) but one thing made a big impression on me every time we entered the mass. The crucifix up front. I remember feelings very sorry for that “poor man” the Romans tortured to death. I would later come to realize that I was just as responsible for His death and He was not just a “poor man.” He is God in the flesh, the risen King of kings who loves me and died for my rebellion and deserves every ounce of my allegiance. Thank You Jesus!
When my dad was in Vietnam, my mother left four boys under the age of 9. Just up and left. I wouldn’t see her for another 20 years when I intentionally drove to Texas to say, “I forgive you.” Now before you start feeling sorry for me, I’m actually very thankful. Although I’d never wish this situation on anyone, it became the metal of a man fordged in fire. Adversity can make us victims or victors. We chose.
One day in chapel a young Special Forces sergeant pulled me aside and shared the gospel in a simple and yet powerful way using the bridge illustration. And although I understood and believed it, I did not repent. I would spend the next year of my life running from Jesus.
I started reading the Bible as a student at the Mountain Ranger Camp, the 2nd phase of Ranger School. Later as a Platoon Sergeant, I would preach my first sermon to my soldiers supporting the Rangers at the camp. Four years later I would become a Ranger Instructor. Deb and I would lead Bible studies for soldiers, college students, civilians and eventually receive my calling to be an Army Chaplain. And after 29 years in the Army, my last duty assignment would include ministering to Ranger students in the mountains. You think Jesus has a plan for our lives? Jeremiah 29.11-13
I had tossed myself headlong into sex, drugs, and alcohol (even after having heard, understood, and believed the gospel). One night I heard Satan say, “Now I got you!” I’m not sure if it was his voice or the drugs, but I know this, I was ready to repent! I surrendered to Jesus and my life was radically changed. (Jam 2.9, 2 Cor 5.17)
The Navigators are an incredible organization that’s been making disciples of Jesus since 1933. As a young soldier they took personal responsibility for helping us in our walk with Jesus. They’re best known for Scripture memory but the two biggest take aways for me were depth in the Word and how to develop spiritual leaders. Thank you!
Deb and I met in Seoul, Korea and were married 8 months later. She has been the best example of God’s love and friendship I’ve seen this side of heaven. We’ve been through a lot of ups and downs but we did it together with the Lord Jesus guiding us every step of the way. I have an amazing wife! Thanks Hon!
After 20 years of being a disciple and 10 in full time ministry, I had lost my way. I was dropping some high speed theological thing on my mentor, Cecil, and he asked this simple question. “What does that have to with Jesus?” After a week of reflection I realized how far I had drifted off the mark. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. And main thing is not a thing, it’s a Who, Jesus! Ask me what I did to refocus on Jesus.
We were right in the middle of a grassroots movement in the Army. Eventually we would go from five functioning Navigator ministries to 37 across the Army in eight years. Clearly it was the hand of God and a lot of prayer, sweat, tears by a bunch of very committed disciple-makers. But Jesus would drop a hint for Deb and I’s future. I heard this question very clearly during an intense time of prayer; “Why does My gospel stop at the front gate?” My vision was being stretched.
All my life I’ve been on the fringes. Unconventional upbringing. Unconventional warfare. Unconventional ministry. When I read the “The Starfish and the Spider” by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom, I immediately saw kingdom genius. After 10 years of experimenting with an unconventional approach to advance the gospel around the world it’s not so unconventional anymore. It’s overwhelming effective and strikingly similar to what Jesus did.
When Gary asked this question in a room full of leaders, he had no idea of its potential impact. At first I was proud because I had shared the gospel on the flight out. Then the Holy Spirit took over. My emotions went from pride to embarrassment because I couldn’t remember the time before that. I committed to sharing the gospel every day for a week (which turned into months). My life was radically changed by sharing the gospel and there are countless people who have not only started following Jesus but are sharing His good news as well. Thanks for your simple question Gary!