The Foundation

The Good news

Turning to God

The story of Zacchaeus gives us a perfect example of how we should pursue a personal relationship with Jesus. Read Luke 19:1-10 and discuss the story with this simple format;

HEAD - What did you learn? How did Zacchaeus turn to God? How did Jesus respond to His turning (repentance)?

HEART - How does the story make you feel? (Sad, Mad, Glad, etc...)

HANDS - What will you do as a result of the discussion?

Which Soil are you?

Jesus' Parable of the Sower gives us examples of how people respond to the good news. Read Mark 4:1-20 and discuss the story with this simple format;

HEAD - What did you learn? What is the seed? What are the four responses?

HEART - How does the story make you feel? (Sad, Mad, Glad, etc...)

HANDS - What will you do as a result of the discussion?

Being a Disciple of Jesus

Jesus gives His followers a commission to make disciples. Read Matthew 28:16-20 and discuss the story with this simple format;

HEAD - What did you learn? What did Jesus command His followers to do? Are you willing to be Jesus' disciple? Are you willing to be baptized and obey His commands? Are you willing to go and make more disciples?

HEART - How does the story make you feel? (Sad, Mad, Glad, etc...)

HANDS - What will you do as a result of the discussion?

Sharing the Gospel

We explore four questions;

Why share the gospel?

What should I share?

Who should I share with?

When should I share the gospel?

Daily Time with Jesus

A simple devotional plan that will transform your life.

Fellowship and church

How should we relate to one another as disciples of Jesus? Read Acts 2:36-47 and discuss the story with this simple format;

HEAD - What did you learn? What did the disciples do together and for one another?

HEART - How does the story make you feel? (Sad, Mad, Glad, etc...)

HANDS - What will you do as a result of the discussion?

Click Here to Read the Passages;

Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 12:30-31, John 14:21, and John 13:34-35

OBEY = Love

Why should we teach Jesus' disciples to obey His commands? Read Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 12:30-31, John 14:21, and John 13:34-35 and discuss the passages with this simple format;

HEAD - What did you learn? How does Jesus define love in John 14:21? What are the three great commands?

HEART - How does this make you feel? (Sad, Mad, Glad, etc...)

HANDS - What will you do as a result of the discussion?

Discipleship is a lifetime journey

You've finished the foundational course Deb and I have used to disciple many followers of Jesus. But the journey has just begun. We encourage you to continue to grow as you practice these basic principles of faith. The adventure is before you, not only as His disciple but as a fellow disciple-maker. Pursue Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Click Here for Leadership 101