What is an SAE?

"A critical component to the Agricultural Education learning model, the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program is where learning comes to life. Students with an SAE learn by doing. With help from their agricultural teachers, students develop an SAE project based on one or more SAE categories".

Types of SAEs:
Students will create, own and operate a business that provides goods and/or services to the marketplace. 
School-Based Enterprise
Students have opportunities to gain experience in a chosen field as paid employees or volunteers. 
Students will identify the variation of research they would like to pursue as Experimental, Analysis or Invention. They will determine their research question and work through the scientific method to acquire new knowledge and insights or supporting existing research. Students will likely seek guidance to determine what is feasible and realistic in pursing their research. 
Conducted by one or more students in which they plan, conduct and evaluate a project designed to provide a service to the school, public entities or the community. It must provide benefit to an organization, group or individuals other than the FFA chapter. 
Placement/ Internship
The placement experience must provide opportunity for the development and advancement of skills and abilities aligned to the AFNR Technical Standards and Career Ready Practices