The world of Chrysathelia is one of magic, gods, and dragons. There are many established lands, kingdoms, states, and such throughout the world, but there are some prominent ones – notably the ones ruled over by the gods of Chrysathelia.


Humans inhabit most of Chrysathelia and have a rich history and culture there. They are descended from the original humans who came to Chrysathelia during the War of Origin.

Branded humans wield strong magical power; inheriting their power from a Brand of a powerful, magical entity, like a god or a dragon, which can be granted directly on the person or passed down through a bloodline. It is possible for branded to transfer their brands onto other bloodlines, too; however, the brand donor will die in the process. Many of those who are branded are royals or powerful figures.

Gods are immortal beings who rule over the planet and ensure there is peace throughout the lands. The gods ruling Chrysathelia are Luxana, Glaciae, Thaliann, Phosphoria, and Lunaer. They are never in conflict, and hold strong bonds with humans, often blessing them with Brands and thus turning them into mages.

Dragons are entities that appear similar to humans, but almost seem to have the power of a god. The origin of their existence in Chrysathelia is considered a mystery.

Monsters, also referred to as hostile animals or simply just “hostiles,” are creatures that have existed in Chrysathelia since its origin. They are animals who have been altered or corrupted by dark magical energy, and have been known to attack humans. Because of this, despite Chrysathelia being mostly a peaceful world of coexistence, many learn to fight to protect their communities from monster attacks.


Lyraea is a kingdom in Chrysathelia ruled over by the Elysien royal family, descended from the original Orithiya bloodline that established Lyraea. It is also ruled over by the god Luxana. Being one of the most prominent and respected lands in Chrysathelia, it is also one where the values of love and healing abound, and those who set foot in Lyraea are met with unmatched compassion and hospitality.

Aurius is a region, consisting of a collection of small towns and villages ruled over by a council. They neighbor Lyraea, and hold the blessings of the goddess Thaliann – who founded Aurius as a sanctuary for those who were wounded and lost in the War of Origin.

Glaciae is a snowy land in the north. The people of Glaciae hold strong values regarding courage and resilience as those ruled over by Glaciae, the god of war and courage. They hold close to their hearts the legend of Elzina Forsyth, a Glaciaen warrior who fought fearlessly in the War of Origin, and was among the first to establish the land of Glaciae. Legend has it she still wanders the earth, undying – branded by the god Glaciae.

Lunaer is a seaside state that prospers on trade, to the south. The god of Lunaer wished for his people to live in peace and flourish, and as such put as much effort as he could to ensure the best for them. Lunaer is known for being a lively place; the streets are always bustling with energy and life. It is ruled over by four elected officials who oversee various aspects of life in Lunaer. Every twelve years, elections are held, as well as a great festival is held -- the Festival of the Tidal Moon. It is said that the Oracle of Lunaer, his branded earthly agent, awakes during this time from her eternal slumber to share in the festivities.

Phosphoria is a land hidden within the forests, to the east. It is founded by the goddess Phosphoria as a sanctuary during the War of Origin. They are ruled over by an elected council who prioritize the advancement of technology in coexistence with nature. As a result, the architecture of the land is a spectacle in how it balances human living and the beauty of nature. In addition, one of the most important positions in Phosphoria is the Ascended Saint, a position held by those with a strong Brand of Phosphoria, whose duty is to convey the will of their goddess as well as defend the land from threats like great monsters.