Envious of Lyraea’s power, a dragon by the name of Neiran cursed the royal heirs, Althea and Kyria Elysien, and forced upon them the Brand of Neiran – a Brand that would transfer the consciousness of the dragon to the wielder, and as such take over its body. He believed that if he could merge his power with the Elysien royal bloodline, which descended from the Orithiya bloodline – he could use the Brand of Luxana to become more powerful. Suffering from the risk of being taken over, Althea and Kyria were afraid of the Brand of Neiran they wielded. Wanting to put and end to this suffering, they embarked on a quest to slay the dragon Neiran. Using their power as those branded by Luxana, they were able to defeat the dragon. They became heroes and were commended for their bravery. In legend, they were considered to be reincarnations of the original founders of Lyraea – Adonis and Cerio Orithiya.

Despite this, the damage had been done, and a weaker version of the Brand of Neiran continued to pass down through the family, granting the user enhanced physical strength. It was to be believed by the general public that Neiran was fully dead, so generations and generations of royalty would come to pass, bearing the burden and secret of this wretched curse in their bloodline.


The age of dragons was upon us.

No one knew how they came to be. They just appeared out of nowhere.

They look like us – almost. They seem to be humans… but also like gods. Some sort of twisted in-between. I’m not sure if this is what the founders of Chrysathelia intended when they meant for “gods and humans to unite and walk as one.”

Their power is ferocious. I’ve heard even the distant land of Phosphoria isn’t safe. The city state of Lunaer was attacked recently, too. Several minor territories were severely affected, too. It’s only a matter of time before our Kingdom of Lyraea is attacked, too. With a threat of this magnitude, like it is very much of concern for us.

I’ve heard they have the power to spawn mysterious, ferocious creatures – familiars? Monsters? Fiends? Whatever they were, they would spawn from the dragon’s energy and do their bidding – which, so far, is destruction.

I have to stay strong – I trust Althea has no problem with strength. But me?

I’m a bit scared, in all honesty. Everyone looks up to the royal family of Lyraea to guide and defend them. What’s more, Lyraea is one of the most influential powers on the entire planet, so I have a lot to live up to.

Lyraea’s power… It came from all those years ago, when Chrysathelia was first founded. Luxana, our god, made a promise with the first Kings – Cerio and Adonis. (Hah, that’s a bit funny – they were twins, just like me and Althea.)

The god Luxana was the leader of the Chrysathelian faction in the War of Origin, so it would follow that the land blessed by Luxana in Chrysathelia would be the most powerful. Our bloodline bears the Brand of Luxana, as well. Even if he does not walk with us physically, his power is ever strong in our line. As such, I have an obligation to fulfill, by utilizing his power as best as I can to defend Lyraea – especially in this time of strife.

I know our history very well – it was taught to us from a young age. And there’s that one travelling bard – Cordelia – who visits Lyraea every now and then. I always make it a point to listen to her tales whenever I get the chance. Her lyrics are always so enchanting and emotional – it’s as if you’re physically taken to the tales and battles of the past.

From what I know of Chrysathelian history, gods have always walked alongside humans. For one, we bear the Brand of Luxana – we bear a god’s power. I hear Lunaer takes an active role in the City of Lunaer in ensuring its prosperity and success. After all, it’s one of the most important trade locations in the world. And then there’s the legend of Elzina Forsyth from Glaciae – an eternal warrior from the War of Origin, who became one with the god Glaciae themself. It is said she wanders the lands, seeking through the shadows of the world to quell darkness that goes unnoticed. Oh, how admirable that is… I wonder if she also still persists today in this new age of the dragons – her courage and strength would be much needed in this era. The land of Phosphoria, I hear, is a beautiful place in which nature flourishes in the most stunning and most wonderful way you could ever imagine. Some of the most amazing forms of technology come from the people of Phosphoria -- their goddess ensuring that they may flourish with nature's blessings. And then there’s the goddess Thaliann. It is said she wanders the lands to bring healing to those who need it. I hear in the neighboring land of Aurius, she is especially important to the people there. Cordelia’s songs about Thaliann are always the most intriguing – they go into such detail and color, and it always pulls me in. Truly, it makes me want to know more about the goddess Thaliann – I wonder if I shall ever come across her.

Ah… Did I ramble on too much? I sincerely apologize… Wait, why am I apologizing to myself? Ugh, I’m such a mess…

In any case… The dragons. Yes. We should watch out for them… I have to ensure Lyraea doesn’t fall to ruin.

If only I can muster up that resolve within myself, though.


“Your Highness Althea, pardon my intrusion. The Council of Aurius has sent me to you with a message.”

A messenger came into the castle courtyard, where Althea Elysien stood with a sort of determined, forlorn stance. She turned around to face them.

“Aurius… Ah, indeed… Among the first places to fall victim to the dragons’ destruction… Now, what is it?”

“Your Highness… Actually, I must confess; I came here of my own volition, and not by the orders of the Council. I hope you’ll forgive me…”

Their eyes shifted down, and an air of anxiety settled in their body.

“But I had overheard of a dragon’s plans to overtake Lyraea. As such, I had to make haste to inform you right away.”

Althea approached the messenger, and rested a hand on their shoulder. “Easy now. I appreciate what you’ve decided to do,” she said. “However, that is quite the ambitious goal… Of course, we would become a target sooner or later; but I question how they would actually be able to defeat Lyraea.”

“Clearly you know not of the power of the dragons, Your Highness.” Their eyes shifted upwards to make eye contact with Althea.

“And clearly they know not of the legacy of Lyraea. I have full confidence we will be able to take it on,” she asserted. “We are Lyraea, after all. None shall get in our way.”

“You are ever admirable for your courage, Your Highness… The Unrelenting Mage.”

“Nay, it is simply my duty. I shall defend Lyraea at all costs.” She took her hand off of their shoulder, and smiled. “Now then, you must be tired. If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to let me – or anyone know. The hotel is always open for visitors, and we’re always striving to improve it to ensure the best hospitality.”

“Thank you, Your Highness. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

The messenger dismissed themself and walked out of the courtyard. Althea herself would sit down at a bench, and contemplate by herself.

The dragons… There’s no telling what kind of plan they’re formulating if they intend to attack Lyraea. I have to stay ever strong… I won’t allow my spirit to falter.

She closed her eyes, and brought a hand close to her chest.

O Luxana… This Brand I bear, allow me to use your power to its fullest to defend the people we love so dearly. And may our ancestors watch over us as well – O founding kings Cerio and Adonis.

She looked out the window, to a crimson sunset. The night would be long.


“against soul!” conveys a different side of the “FALLEN” story, in which it can be felt like Althea and Kyria are fighting against Neiran, and are on the path to prevail. While “FALLEN” goes through a much more expressive and dynamic story arc in its visuals and music, perhaps “against soul!” captures a small moment of victorious hope within that story.


An alternate remix of "FALLEN," with more intensity, and featuring the vocals of both producers of the song.

"Both songs feature the same two characters and illustration. These two characters are not really canon to Chrysathelia Chronos at all, but can be considered associated with the world nonetheless… Maybe an alternate world? Who knows… I’ll leave that to your imagination ~"