Dicey Dwarves

Designed in 2019

Order from The Gamecrafter


Deep in the heart of the mountain at the dwarven stronghold, the workday has come to an end.  The tavern is full and the drinks are flowing.  Many a clan is represented during the festivities.  Toasts are raised to clans Flagonbeard, Irongullet, Anvilale, and Barleyforge.  The renowned dwarven bard Nils Rockrhyme plays his latest song, “Hammer Down that Dragon.” An argument regarding elven hats breaks out between the haughty Myra Mithrilmug and the ever stylish Fiona Stonecider.  Bender Mugknuckle nurses his fourth Deepcavern Lager from the wooden mug attached to where his left hand once resided.  Which clan can boast the most? Which dwarf will spill their swill?  When the night is done, who will have earned the most esteem in the eyes of their fellow dwarves?


Each player chooses a dwarf to play. The cards are dealt and dice are rolled. Then players draft cards each turn and place their dice to try to get the highest score. Each card has two possible effects depending on which player resolves the card.  Dice may get re-rolled or changed, cards may switch places, and some cards help with final scoring.