
Photo from Thomas Kinkade Studios.

Hey, it's me, Alice.

If you haven't heard, I'm the girl that was once "in Wonderland," as some say. Except lately, my adventures haven't been so helpless. Ever since WonderPhones™ have come into the world, my life has relatively been flipped upside down... Ha, sounds familiar, right? I've gotten really good at using technology to communicate with the world around me. A lot of times, technology helps me maintain a steady reputation to outsiders. Some of the crazy creatures around me could use some of my help, that's for sure.

Here's me and all my people. Photo from ClipGround.

As you already may know, I once dreamt about a place that came alive. By falling in a rabbit hole, I found the Wonderland I so fondly remembered from my dreams. Ever since getting one of these WonderPhone™ things, now I can take all the pictures down there that I want. The only problem is that there's no cell service in Wonderland. The only way I'm able to access the web is through Wonderland Wi-Fi, which is always spotty. I have realized that I rely on technology to manage my life and keep everything in order. Whether it's by talking to other people or using social media, I've found a real niche for forming relationships with those around me. I even find myself successful in helping other people manage their own lives and reputations... And if you know anything about the creatures around me, yeah, it’s not easy. Wonderland Reputation Management, LLC couldn't be managed by just anyone.

I'd consider my life as a series of relationships. Relationships with different publics, to be exact. I don’t know what people ever did without my help.

Ever heard of a fixer? That’s how I’d describe myself. I fix things, I fix people, and I fix situations… I can (somehow) make everything look positive. And if you know anything about my life, there is a lot that needs fixing. Brush up on my past, if you wish.

So where do I reside now? I’m everywhere. With the use of technology I can be anywhere I want, anytime I want. Even if you don't think I'm watching, I am... Kind of like a looking glass. And I'm judging. If you need fixing, give me a call. Until then, stay tuned for my new, more technological adventures.