

Mar ‘20 – Present          Editor-at-Large for IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society  

Jan ‘20 – Present           Guest Editor for IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society call “Aerial wireless networks: drones for communications and communications for drones”

Nov ‘18 – Present          Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 

Nov ‘19 – Present          Editor for IEEE Open Journal on Signal Processing 

Feb ’22 – Feb ‘23            Lead Guest Editor for IEEE WCM call “Integrated Sensing and Communication for 6G”

Dec ‘20 – Feb ‘22           Guest Editor for IEEE JSAC call “Integrated Sensing and Communication”

Jun ‘20 – Sep ‘21 Lead Guest Editor for IEEE JSTSP call “Joint Communication and Radar Sensing for Emerging Applications

Jan ’19 – Dec ‘19           Guest Editor for EURASIP JWCN call “Cognitive UAVs in Critical Missions: IoT-based Applications, Protocols and Deployments” 

Mar’ 17 – Feb' 22          Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications 

Sep’ 17 – May ‘18           Lead Guest Editor for IEEE JSTSP call “Hybrid Analog / Digital Signal Processing for Hardware-Efficient Large Scale Antenna Arrays”

Jan’ 16 – Sep ‘16             Guest Editor for IEEE JSTSP call “Exploiting Interference towards Energy Efficient and Secure Wireless Communications” 

Jul’ 15 – Jan ‘19               Associate Editor for IEEE Communications Letters


7. “Collaboration of Functions in Wireless Networks: Communication meets Sensing”, EAI CollaborateCom 2023, conference Plenary talk

6. “Integrated Sensing and Communications: It was Meant to Be!”, IEEE VTC 2023, conference Plenary talk

5. “Integrated Sensing and Communications: Security Challenges and Opportunities”, IEEE WCNC 2023 – 5th Workshop on Integrated Sensing (Radar) and Communications: The New Frontier 

4. “The Multi-functional Wireless Network of 6G and Beyond: New Signalling, Synergies and Trade-offs”, IEEE ICC 2022, Seoul, Korea – Workshop on Integrated Sensing and Communications

3. “Towards Dual-Functional Sensing and Communication Networks: Opportunities, Challenges and Trade-offs”, IEEE WCNC 2022, Austin, USA – Workshop on Integrated Sensing and Communications                       

2. “Integrated Sensing and Communications: Signalling, Applications and Trade-offs”, IEEE Symposium on Joint Communications and Sensing (JC&S) 2022, Innsbruck, Austria

1. “Integrating Sensing and Communications to Address the Electromagnetic Spectrum Congestion” Dstl’s Operating in the Future Electromagnetic Environment (OFEME) Symposium 2021, London, UK


10. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2023, Florence, IT - C. Masouros, “Signals and Waveforms for Sustainable Multifunctional 6G Networks and Beyond”

9. IEEE BalcanCom 2023, Istanbul, TU - C. Masouros, Sustainable and Multifunctional Wireless Networks for 6G and Beyond”

 8. IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2023, Rome, IT - F. Liu, C. Masouros, Y. Eldar ''Interplay between Sensing and Communications: Fundamental Limits, Signal Processing, and Prototyping''

 7. IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2023, Rome, IT -  D. Slock, T. Ratnarajah, C. Papadias, C. Masouros, Spectrum Sharing and Coexistence towards Integrated Sensing and Communications

6. IEEE GlobeCom 2022, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil - F. Liu, C. Masouros, Y. Eldar, “Interplay between Sensing and Communications: Fundamental Limits, Signal Processing, and Prototyping ” 

5. IEEE ICC 2022, Seoul, South Korea - F. Liu, C. Masouros, A. Zhang, “The Multifunctional Network of 6G and Beyond: Fundamentals of Integrating Communications and Sensing ” 

4. IEEE GlobeCom 2021 , Madrid, Spain -  F. Liu, C. Masouros, Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) for 6G: From Theory to Applications

3. IEEE SPAWC 2021 , Lucca, Italy  -  F. Liu, C. Masouros, Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) for 6G: From Theory to Applications

2. IEEE ICC 2021, Montreal, CA - C. Masouros, A. Li, L. Swindlehurst “Interference Exploitation through Symbol Level Precoding: Energy Efficient Transmission for 6G and Beyond

1. IEEE PIMRC 2020 , London, UK  -  F. Liu, C. Masouros, Joint Radar-Communication Transmission for 5G and Beyond – Applications, State-of-the-art and the Road Ahead


Nov 2022Fellowship proposals to MSCA COFUND project ONISILOS 

Aug 2022- PresentNational Science Center, Poland 

Jun 2022- PresentDutch Research Council (NWO), Netherlands 

Feb 2019- Present -  Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany

Jul 2018- Present   -  Luxembourg National Fund (FNR), Luxembourg

Mar 2017- Present -  Royal Academy of Engineering (Future Leader Fellowships, Postdoctoral Fellowships, UK-China grants)

Nov 2016- Present -  Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Oct 2016 - Present -  Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK


Jan ‘24 – Present     Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Working Group (TWG), Integrated Sensing and Communication

Nov ‘23 – Present     Founding Member of the ETSI  Industry Specification Group for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISG ISAC) 

Jun '22Present     Chair of the IEEE Green Communications & Computing Technical Committee, Special Interest Group on Green ISAC 

Mar ‘21 – Present    Founding Member, and Vice-Chair of the IEEE Communication Society Emerging Technology Initiative (ETI) on Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)

Jan ‘21 – Present     Vice-Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Working Group (TWG), Integrated Sensing and Communication

Jul ‘20 – Present Vice-Chair of the IEEE Wireless Communications Technical Committee  IEEE Special Interest Group on Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC)

Jun ‘20 – May '22   Chair of the  IEEE Green Communications & Computing Technical Committee, IEEE Special Interest Group on Energy Harvesting Communication Networks

Feb ’18 - Dec' 20    Elected Member for EURASIP Technical Area Committee (TAC) Signal Processing for Communications  


Conference Track Chair 

IEEE VTC Spring 2025 – Program Co-Chair

IEEE PIMRC 2024, PHY & Fundamentals Track – TPC Co-Chair

IEEE CISA 2024, track on Integrated Radar Imaging and Communication Track – TPC Chair

IEEE ICC 2024, Selected Areas in Communications (SAC) on Integrated Sensing and Communication Track – TPC Chair

IEEE PIMRC 2020: PHY & Fundamentals Track – TPC Co-Chair

IEEE 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2016) – Publicity Chair

IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2015) - Vice Program Chair 

Special Sessions / Workshops / Panels 

IEEE ANTS 2023: Industrial Panel on The role of THz wireless and Integrated Sensing and Communications in future Perceptive 6G networks– Invited Panelist

IEEE Asilomar 2023: Special Session: Integrated Sensing and Communications – Special Session Organizer and Chair

IEEE MobiSys 2023: The 2nd ACM MobiSys Workshop on Integrated Sensing and Communications for Metaverse – Workshop Organiser and Co-Chair

IEEE WiOpt 2023: International Workshop on Integrated Sensing and Communications – Workshop Organiser and Co-Chair

IEEE ICASSP 2023: International Workshop Towards Net-Zero Energy Communication Networks – Workshop Organizer and Chair

IEEE ICC 2023: 5th Workshop on Integrated Sensing and Communication – Workshop Organizer and Chair

IEEE VTC-Spring 2022: International Workshop on Integrated Sensing and Communications  – Steering Committee Member

IEEE SAM 2022: Special Session: Integrated Sensing and Communications – Special Session Organizer and Chair

IEEE EUSIPCO 2022: Special Session: Integrated Sensing and Communications – Special Session Organizer and Chair

IEEE ICASSP 2022: Special Session: Security- and Privacy-Preserving Signal Processing Techniques for Emerging Applications – Special Session Organizer and Chair

IEEE GlobeCom 2021 Industry Panel on "5G and beyond - The Perspective of European Research Projects" – Panel Member

One World Signal Processing Webinar Series Fall 2021 – Series Organizer and Co-Chair

IEEE PIMRC 2020: PHY & Fundamentals Track – TPC Co-Chair

IEEE ICC 2020: International Workshop on Communication and Radar Spectrum Sharing  – Workshop Organizer and Chair 

IEEE ICASSP 2020: Special Session: Hardware-Efficient Large-Scale Antenna Arrays: The Stage for Symbol-Level Precoding  – Special Session Organizer and Chair

IEEE ICASSP 2019: Special Session: Communications and Radar Transmission: Coexistence and Beyond  – Special Session Organizer and Chair

IEEE VTS PT Chapter/COST-IRACON Joint 2018 Winter School on Beyond 5G Networks: Panel on "Trends on B5G research" – Panel Member

IEEE Globecom 2017: International Workshop on Large-Scale Antenna Systems in Licensed and Unlicensed Bands  – Steering Committee Member

IEEE EUSIPCO 2017: Special Session: Hybrid Analog / Digital Signal Processing for Hardware-Efficient Large Scale Antenna Arrays  – Special Session Organizer and Chair

IEEE ICT 2016: Special Session: Exploiting interference towards energy efficient and secure wireless communications – Special Session Organizer and Chair

IEEE 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2016) – Publicity Chair

IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2015) - Vice Program Chair