
character-driven, true, unblinking, scriptwriting

write with character

In class or individual one-on-one sessions, Christopher Ellis will take you through the step-by-step process of creating great characters. Every great story starts with character first!

To discuss, adult or student rates please get in touch:



all story-tellers deserve to tell their story

(discount and scale rates apply)


Christopher's been teaching theatre, film, and story-writing with Voice of the City’s After School Matters Program United Voices for over 15 years. With a classroom size from 15 to 45 youth artists. These programs teach youth original scriptwriting and production.

"When teaching I primarily focus on the idea of truth-telling and character development. Penetrating well-honed personas are usually at the heart of a wonderful script. I ask my students to take a deep dive into developing rich characters. When these characters come into conflict through evolving relationships with one another, this is when penetrating dramas that touch on our own collective human experience can arise."

-Christopher E. Ellis