
character-driven, true, unblinking, scriptwriting


The Wildlands (full-length screenplay)

Wildlands LLC

California Hot-Shot firefighters battle a fast-moving fire. When three firefighters end up separated from their group they must fight through their own personal demons in order to escape with their lives.

The Reunion (full-length screenplay)

(ghost writer) Susan Gorrell producer

THE REUNION follows out-of-work actor Ricky Reilly through a nightmarish dream-like journey as he descends into the depths of New York City to confront a bully from his past at their High School Reunion.

Lucky (full-length screenplay)

Jersey Films

An old mobster who built an empire crime syndicate in America now finds himself in hiding back home in his family's Italian village. He loves reminiscing about his wild exploits, but as he gets closer to facing his own death, he realizes his power may have been built on a house of cards.

co-written with Phil Donlon

El Diablo (full-length screenplay)

Standard 17

Disgraced baseball manager Tim Johnson has become a pariah, to the major leagues. He lied about his Vietnam service and now not a team will touch him. His only hope to continue coaching is to head to Mexico and try to lead the hard-luck perennial basement dwellers, The Mexico City Diablos. There's nowhere to go but up.

co-written with Phil Donlon

Ingenue (full-length screenplay)

Artina Films

When a young actress' dream of becoming a star falls apart an infamous has-been Hollywood producer gives her one last shot at stardom, only to find that he plans to cast her in a far different far more sinister role conjured from his psychotic mind.

co-written with Phil Donlon

Saniya (full-length screenplay)

Peter Spiros producer

A novelist's dream of becoming a world-famous writer is finally reaching fruition. He used to think he would sacrifice anything to fulfill his goal, that is until he receives divorce papers from his wife. Do you always have to choose only one love of your life, or can you have a chance to have it all?

co-written with Phil Donlon

To option, purchase, or read please get in touch:


writing manager, Ryan Jacobson

all scripts registered with WGA