
- Published papers -

Please feel free to contact me if you need a pdf of any of the publications listed below

9. Hansen Wheat C, Larsson L, Berner P, Temrin H. (2023). Commentary by Gácsi et al. (2023) highlights general misconceptions within the field of dog domestication and dog-wolf comparisons. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10466  

8. Hansen Wheat C, van der Bijl W, Wynne DLC. (2022). Rearing condition and willingness to approach a stranger explain differences in point following performance in wolves and dogs. Learning & Behavior 51:127-130   Click here for quick full-text access.

7. Hansen Wheat C, Larsson L, Berner P, Temrin H. (2022). Human-directed attachment behaviour in wolves suggests standing ancestral variation for human-dog attachment bonds. Ecology and Evolution, 12:e9299 

6. Laikre L, Allendorf FW, Aspi, J, Carroll C, Dalén L, Fredrickson R, Hansen Wheat C, Hedrick F, Johannesson K, Kardos M, Peterson RO, Phillips M, Ryman N, Räikkönen J, Vilà C, Wheat CW, Vernesi C, Vucetich JA. (2022). Planned cull endangers Swedish wolf population. Science, 337 (6602):162 

5. Hansen Wheat C, van der Bijl W, Wheat CW. (2020). Morphology does not covary with predicted behavioural correlations of the domestication syndrome in dogs.  Evolution Letters, 4-3:189-199

4. Hansen Wheat C, Temrin H. (2020). Intrinsic ball retrieving in wolf puppies suggests standing ancestral variation for human-directed play behaviour. iScience , 23 :100811

3. Hansen Wheat C., van der Bijl W., Temrin H. (2019). Dogs, but not wolves, lose their sensitivity towards novelty with age. Frontiers in Psychology.  10 :2001

2. Hansen Wheat C, Fitzpatrick JL, Rogell B, Temrin H. (2019). Behavioural correlations of the domestication syndrome are decoupled in modern dog breeds. Nature Communications. 10:2422

1. Hansen Wheat, C., Fitzpatrick, J., Tapper, I., & Temrin, H. (2018). Wolf (Canis lupus) Hybrids Highlight the Importance of Human-Directed Play Behavior During Domestication of Dogs (Canis familiaris). Journal of Comparative Psychology. 32(4), 373-381

In review

Hansen Wheat C, Wynne DLC. The unfulfilled potential of dogs in studying behavioural evolution during the Anthropocene. EcoEvoRxiv preprint 

Brandl H, Klarevas-Irby J, Zuniga D, Hansen Wheat C, Christensen C, Omengo F, Nzomo C, Cherono W, Nyaguthii B, Farine D. The physiological cost of spatial positioning and leadership in collective movements. BioarXiv preprint