Curriculum Vitae 

Christina Hansen Wheat, PhD    


2020 - present: Postdoctoral fellow, Dept. of Biology, Cornwallis Group, Lund University

2019 – 2020:     Lecturing and supervision, Dept. of Zoology, Stockholm University

2013 – 2018:     PhD student, Department of Zoology, Stockholm University

2012 – 2013:     Research assistant, Behavioural Ecology group, University of Copenhagen

2011 – 2012:     Research assistant, Timbavati Leopard Project, South Africa



PhD: 2018, Ethology, Stockholm University, Sweden                                              

Licentiate: 2016, Ethology, Stockholm University, Sweden

MSc: 2010, Behavioural ecology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

BSc: 2008, Behavioural ecology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Swedish Research Council 3-year international postdoc fellowship (awarded for 2020-2023)

Selected talks, presentations and seminars


2022: Attachment behaviour in wolves and dogs. Seminar, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden (December 2022)

2021: Seminar, International Canine Science Seminar Series (November 2021)

2021: Understanding dog domestication: are we barking up the wrong tree? Seminar, Dept of Biology, Linköping University (May 2021) 

2019: Understanding dog domestication: are we barking up the wrong tree? Yearly conference for Dept of Zoology, Stockholm University, Sweden (October 2019)

2017: Behavioural insights into domestication using a canid model. Seminar, UC Davis, CA, USA


2023: Morphology does not covary with predicted behavioural correlations of the domestication syndrome in dogs.  TALK, Evolution in Sweden 2023, Uppsala, Sweden.

2022: Why don't editors of Behavioural Ecology journals publish more studies on dogs? Poster, ISBE 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.

2022: Hand-reared wolves show attachment behaviours comparable to dogs and use human caregiver as a social buffer in the Strange Situation Test. TALK, ISAZ2022, Boise, USA.

2018: Behavioural correlations of the domestication syndrome are decoupled in modern, but not ancient, dog breeds. TALK, ISBE2018, Minneapolis, USA 

2018: Behavioural correlations of the domestication syndrome are decoupled in modern, but not ancient, dog breeds. Poster, ESEB18, Montpellier, France 

2018: Behavioural correlations of the domestication syndrome are decoupled in modern, but not ancient, dog breeds. TALK, Canine Science Forum, Budapest, Hungary 

2018: The things we thought we knew about domestication. TALK, the yearly conference for PhD students, Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Sweden

2018: Unraveling behavioural evolution in the domestic dog. TALK, Evolution in Sweden 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

2017: Wolf hybrids highlight the importance of human-directed play during domestication of dogs. Poster, Behaviour2017, Estoril, Portugal

2012: Behavioural syndromes and animal personality in conservation research: Lessons from a preliminary in-situ study on swift foxes (Vulpes velox). Poster, Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Selected field work experience

2014 - 2017: Hand-raising, socializing, managing and conducting extensive behavioural observations and testing on three litter of wolves and two litters of dogs from the age of 10 days to 7-10 months, Tovetorp Zoological Research Station, Stockholm University, Sweden

2012: Telemetry and behavioural observation on a radio-collared population of swift foxes, Colorado, USA (University of Copenhagen). 

2011 - 2012:  Extensive camera trapping of leopards, including database management. Radio collaring, telemetry and relocation of lions, hyenas and cheetahs, Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, South Africa. 

2009: Trapping, collaring, telemetry and behavioural observations on swift foxes for master thesis, Colorado, USA Copenhagen University). 

2008: Telemetry and behavioural observation on a radio-collared population of swift foxes, Colorado, USA (University of Copenhagen). 

Public out reach

2022: Radiointerview w/Bob McDonald at "Quirks and Quarks", CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company)

2022: Lecture on behavioural differences in wolves and dogs given as part of a science class to the high school Folkunniversitetet, Stockholm Sweden 

2021: Lecture on behavioural differences in wolves and dogs given as part of a campaign to get high scholl students interested in science. Vetenskapenhus, Stockholm Sweden.

2020: Interview w/James Gorman at The New York Times

2020: Interview w/Nell Grenfeldboyce at NPR

2020: Radiointerview w/Bob McDonald at "Quirks and Quarks", CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company)

2020: Seminar on behavioural differences in dogs and wolves. Dog shelter "Hundstallet", Stockholm, Sweden.

2019: Interview w/the popular Swedish science journal Forskning & Framsteg (Research & Progress)

2019: Participation in the Danish documentary Ulveland (Wolf Country) as an expert on wolf behaviour. Danish National Television, aired January 8th 2019.

2019: Seminar on behavioural differences in dogs and wolves. Ekoxen Association, Stockholm, Sweden.

2018: Public Wolf Talks. Wildwood Escot, UK.

2018: Interview for French documentary on behavioural differences in wolves and dogs

2018: Interview for the Swedosh magazine Hundsport

2017: Follow-up interview w/BBC

2017: Interview w/BBC

2015: Interview for Swedish TV on behavioural differences iin wolves and dogs

2014: Participation in documentary on wolf and dog behaviour for Vetenskapens Värld, SVT, Swedish National Televsion. Aired 2014.

2014-2017: Monthly "Show & Tell", Dog Wolf Project. Tovetorp Research Station, Stockholm University, Sweden