
Student Assistant Position

Student assistant position (40 hrs/month) within the DFG-funded RETROGRESS project. Tasks include data analysis, field work, and PR duties. Start as soon as possible. If interested, please contact me.

Changes in decadal summit bid time window for Manaslu Peak (8163 m asl).

M.Sc. and B.Sc. projects

I am always interested in motivated students willing to write their theses, on both B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels, with me. Please contact me if interested. For potential links between M.Sc. and B.Sc. projects to my current research, please check my webpage, respectively. 

Among others, I am currently offering a MSc-thesis focussing on LiDAR-data analysis to estimate biomass stocks along disturbance exposure gradients within the RETROGRESS project. More information here.

04/2023: Freshly-inspired by our latest expedition to the Pumalin NP, I am looking for a MSc student working on the dendroecology of the Patagonian rainforests co-supervised by Gerd Helle. We aim on exploring forest gap dynamics (~which species grows when fastest after disturbance and for how long). This MSc-project may help to decipher the ecological functioning of the carbon-rich Patagonian rainforests.


New MSc thesis project about eco-geomorphic responses to the wild fires in the Saxonian-Bohemian sandstone area.