
What are fossils?

  • Fossils are the preserved remains of early organisms including plants and animals.

  • Animals and plants are fossilized through natural processes. After they die, they need to be quickly buried by sediments like mud and volcanic ash.

  • Organisms without hard parts are less likely to become fossilized. That is why bones are often the most common fossil found.

  • Below are the types of fossilizations.

  • Amber: Ancient tree sap traps organisms, eventually turning into amber.

  • Permineralization: Organisms are buried in sediment. Water deposits minerals all around the organism, producing a fossil.

  • Mold/Cast: Molds form when shells/bones dissolve and leave behind a space the shape of the material. Casts form when sediments fill the empty space of a mold.

  • Replacement: When a bone/shell dissolves and is replaces by a different mineral.

  • Compression: Remains are are compressed and leave behind an imprint.

