Goals and Outcomes

SMART Goal for this class: My SMART Goal is to make a lesson plan on my least favorite topic. I will know that I have reached my goal if I am more knowledgeable on the topic after completing my lesson plan. In order to reach it, I will take the following actions: take notes on the topic, ask for help, and start working on it ahead of time. I plan to accomplish my goal by the end of the semester.

SMART Goal for this semester: My SMART Goal is to turn in all my assignments on time. I will know that I have reached my goal if the grades in my classes reflect that I have been doing my work . In order to reach it, I will take the following actions: work on assignments ahead of time, going to tutoring should I need it, and making a good schedule. I plan to accomplish my goal by the end of this semester.

Learning outcome: Use pressure, moisture, and temperature data to describe the structure and circulation of Earth's atmosphere, climate, climate change, and weather systems.