Final Reflection

Class/Teacher Interaction

For this semester, I was present for all the classes except for one day. I would say that I was participating for 85% of the classes. I didn't interact with my classmates as much I probably should have, but I prefer to work on my own so that I don't depend on anyone else for answers. For the group presentations, I would always be actively listening and also did any activities they would bring. On average, I would spend about 8 hours outside class. If I had less work in other classes, then I would use that time and dedicated it to this class. It was very difficult to find time while having three other classes, but I made it work. I asked questions and got clarification from the professor only a handful of times. If I ever got confused on anything I would ask my peers in my group for clarification and they would help me. I noticed that the less time I spent on the material, the more trouble I would have in class understanding what was being taught. However, when I spent a good amount of time studying the material, I definitely felt like I was on the same page as what was being taught.

Practice work

I got 12 of the practiced work completed. I got 6 of the practice work incomplete. I attempted all the practice work assignments. The assignments I got incomplete on were because I didn't resubmit it with the corrections. I turned in most of my assignments on time. There was a few where it took me a week and half to turn in. I don't think the practice work represents the knowledge that someone has on a certain topic. Throughout school, I would always have a few missing assignments here and there, but I was capable of doing them. I think it reflects effort more than knowledge.


I believe I got my portfolio submitted created and submitted within the first week. I actually didn't submit any of my objectives until now. I had 5 lesson plans ready, but I never had published them. Within the last few week I completed the last 7 lesson plans that I needed and also published the ones I had already done. I'm very proud of the way my portfolio turned out. Something I would change for the future would be to not spend a lot of time trying to make it look perfect and instead focus on the the quality of the information better. As time goes by, I will add more material to this portfolio to improve it.

Overall class

I'm definitely most proud of my portfolio. I did a good job at making everything organized and making it easy to navigate. I'm glad that after this class is over I have something to remind me of all the work I did and something that I could have with me forever. Something I would change would be just keeping up with the material I had to add in my portfolio. Unfortunately, I had some unexpected issues come up in my life and that really affected me academically. Overall, I would give my self a low B based on my portfolio and knowledge. I have a difficult time retaining a lot of information, but if I give myself time to refresh my memory, I think I would have the ability to teach someone the material. I think the grade you would give me would match the grade I have given myself. I didn't do very exceptional work, but I think that the work that I have done has been above average.

Final Thoughts

Overall, this class has been one of my favorites classes I have taken. My peers and professor have made this class a great experience. This class has reminded me why I chose the teaching profession in the first place. There is a lot of hard work that goes in teaching, but the reward is so worth it. I got to learn a lot of my weaknesses, as well as my strengths as a future educator. I learned to be flexible, I learned how to better communicate ideas and most importantly I learned that teaching is more than just a job. I believe that having the ability to inspire generations of children is a privilege that not many people have. This class has just made me more excited for what the future holds. I feel more prepared and ready for what's to come.