
 Has your child missed a sacrament?  How can we help you on your faith journey?
If you are looking for answers, please contact the administration office at 403-742-2047.


The Sacrament of Baptism celebrates the very essence of our Christian Faith:  the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It initiates one into the Body of Christ, the parish faith community.  Since the parents’ decision to bring their children into the church entails the important responsibility of raising their children in the faith, our policy is to ensure that parents have an understanding of the commitment they are undertaking.  BAPTISM POLICY: The Catholic parents of children to be baptized must:
  • be registered and practicing members of their Parish
  • worship with the community on a regular basis
  • exercise responsible stewardship of their time, talent and treasure in witness to Jesus Christ and service to our community. 
 If this is a couple’s first child or if they have not attended sessions in some time, parents will be required to participate in a pre-baptism preparation program offered in Stettler, Castor and Bashaw.  This preparation program will be concerned with the rite itself and the role of the family in nurturing the Catholic faith and Catholic teachings on Baptism.  Parents are encouraged to attend these sessions even before the birth of their child.  The baptism of children is possible because of the faith of the adult community.  Children do not profess faith themselves.  “They are baptized in the faith of the church.  This faith is proclaimed for them by their parents and godparents, who represent both the local church and the whole society of saints and believers.”  (Rite of Baptism for Children, #2)  Parents wishing to prepare for the Baptism of their child will need to contact the Administration Office and register for Baptism with the Parish Secretary 403-742-2047.  Infant Baptism is possible for children 0-6 years of age.  Rite of Christian Initiation adapted for children begins with age 7.  


Catholics are obliged to be reconciled with God and the Church through the Sacrament of Reconciliation before they receive Eucharist or any other Sacrament if they: ·        are conscious of serious sin in their life·        have been away from the Church for some time·        are living an immoral lifestyle, or in a situation that is deemed immoral by the           Church.  Catholics are encouraged to celebrate Reconciliation at other times when they wish to become more aware of their life and how they could improve it.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated whenever parishioners request it.  Communal celebrations with more than one priest present will be scheduled during Advent and Lent in Bashaw, Castor and Stettler.  
The Archdiocese of Edmonton has begun the process of celebration First Reconciliation before First Communion.  This means that candidates can celebrate First Reconciliation in grade two if they are prepared. After adequate preparation, and helped by the advice of parent and priest, the child is permitted and indeed encouraged to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation before First Communion.  First Communion is offered in the same year following the celebration of First Reconciliation. 

first eucharist

First Eucharist is celebrated following a child's 1st Reconciliation.  (Grade 2) 


Because parents are the primary faith formers of their children, the immediate preparation for this sacrament is done in the family.  Children not attending a Catholic School will need to complete grades 1 and 2 of Catechism and the 1st Eucharist Workbook before receiving their 1st Eucharist. 


First Eucharist in Bashaw, Stettler and Castor will be celebrated as a class on a specific Sunday, during Mass. 

All Candidates will receive supplemental material at a nominal cost in due time to prepare for the celebration of First Eucharist.  Each candidate will be assessed before the sacrament of First Eucharist is celebrated. 


The role of parents, students, and the whole Catholic community is essential in the faith formation of our children.


Preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation is a privileged practice of our Catholic Faith. In receiving this sacrament for the first time, the promise is made to continue our faith. For most of us it means gathering at mass every Sunday and leading a Catholic life. All youth who are in grade 6 and about 11 years of age (and older), with the desire to be confirmed, are invited to participate. 

Young adults will be prepared for this Sacrament every second year. Sufficient notification will be given to the parishes when Confirmation is anticipated so that proper preparation can be received.   To help offset the costs incurred for Confirmation classes, a nominal fee will be charged. 


Preparations for Confirmation are extensive.  Participation of candidates is required and attendance will be taken. Preparations will involve meeting during the months leading up to Confirmation, and 10 hours of Community Service, a one-on-one interview to assess the candidate’s readiness and the mastery of supplemental material that will be assigned.  All candidates will be given the opportunity to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation prior to Confirmation, and will be able to participate in a Confirmation Retreat prior to the actual celebration date.  A photographer will be asked to take photos that will be made available to candidates. 


The Sacrament of Marriage is an important milestone in the lives of most people.  Considerable time, effort and preparation are invested in each couple that asks to celebrate this sacrament in our region.  Parishioners wishing to be married should contact the administration office 403-742-2047 as soon as possible and at least six months before prior to your desired date.  (Some dioceses require twelve months notice.) 


This will allow adequate time for documentation and the required Catholic marriage preparation program.  At least one person must be a registered and practicing parishioner.  Please note, that individuals who do not live in the region, but hope to be married here must set a date with the Administration Office in Stettler, but must have their wedding documents prepared in the local parish of their residence.  Special consideration will be given to those whose parents are registered parishioners. 


Due to numerous competing variables, available dates and times for weddings are limited.  Multiple weddings may be scheduled for any one Saturday, if time and travel permits. Parishioners should be mindful of the fact that, because of the area covered by the Pastor, their first choice of a day or time may not be possible.


Upon first contact, the couple will be asked some up-front questions to determine whether or not both parties are free to marry in the Catholic Church.  Where there is a situation with one or both parties having been married before, or having attempted marriage outside the church previously, the condition will have to be resolved to the point where both become free to marry in the church.  In some cases a solution is not immediately available.  Where an annulment(s) is required, one could reasonably expect a twelve-month delay before a marriage date can be set. 


The details of the ceremony, especially the music, will reflect a Christian/ Catholic understanding of marriage.  Music selections will be suggested in a prepared list approved by the Pastor and in line with Archdiocesan guidelines.  Further guidance will be provided through a Wedding Preparation Kit provided to couples after their freedom to marry is determined and a date is confirmed. 




Today we live in a culture that does not always put God first.  Your wedding preparations and your wedding ceremony should and can be a time of great sacramental grace—blessings that will support you in an important way in all the challenges that may surface in your future. 


Be good to yourselves during your preparation for your marriage, and particularly during the wedding ceremony.  Marriage is a Sacrament during which two people take upon themselves a sacred, indissoluble obligation.  This sacred conjugal bond carries with it an immense reservoir of grace to allow the couple to live in accordance with their vocation. 


Your church wedding then, should be just that, a time or interlude of prayerful awareness of the seriousness of accepting God’s invitation to love

sacrament of the sick

During his public life, Jesus showed great care and concern for the sick and disabled.  This concern of Jesus is shown today through the Sacrament of the Sick.  No longer called the “last rites”, the Church’s ritual is meant for all who are ill or physically disabled.  The sacrament is meant for the living.  The sacrament may not be administered to a deceased person. 


If there is a person in your family who is ill, chronically sick, growing weaker or disabled, he/she should receive the Sacrament of the Sick.  If a family calls a priest, it is a great support for the sick person to have his/her family and friends present for the sacrament.  Also, if the family wishes to receive the Eucharist with the sick person, the priest should be informed. 


If you or a family member are preparing for surgery, you may wish to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick before going to the hospital. 


We have resources available to assist you in pre-planning your funeral or in planning the funeral mass for a family member.
Our compassionate parish team will assist you in making your loved one’s funeral a prayerful liturgy. If you would like to discuss pre-planning your funeral or have further questions please contact the parish office at 403-742-2047.
Planning Guide for Catholic Funerals (PDF brochure published by the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton)


Anyone interested in exploring the possibility of becoming a priest, deacon or a religious man or woman are invited to contact Father through the Parish Administration Office 403-742-2047.  You are also invited to contact the Archdiocesan Vocation Office at 780-469-1010.  

Vocations is everyone’s concern.  Anyone interested in supporting vocations may wish to consider the Sierra club, or finding out other ways to assist this work.  


The RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process by which an adult (16 years of age and older) becomes a full member of the Catholic Church. The sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) are received at the Easter Vigil, (the Saturday evening Mass held before Easter Sunday).

RCIA is for the following individuals:

• an unbaptized person who wants to be baptized into the Catholic Church

• a member of another Christian denomination who wants to become Catholic

• a baptized Catholic who wants to be fully initiated through Eucharist and Confirmation


• Regular Mass attendance

• Attend evening sessions

• Be present for an interview prior to the beginning of the process

• Be present for an interview prior to full initiation at the Easter Vigil


• Each session will be approximately one and a half to two hours

• Sessions begin in the Fall and end during the Spring, depending on the date of Easter

It is important to register by the end of September


Please call the Admin Office (403-742-2047) if you are interested in registering or would like more information.