Dynamic Language Integration: Strategies for Language Teaching in Diverse ESL Classrooms
Workshop at Multilingual Memphis at Southwest Tennessee Community College in Memphis, TN
Download the presentation.
Motivational Teaching Practices for Language Teachers and Learners
Workshop at Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon
Download the presentation and the handout.
If the Microsoft link to the presentation has expired or is slow, try here is a Google Slides version of the presentation of the Google docs version of the handout.
Writing in the Language Classroom
Workshop at Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon
Download the presentation and the handout.
If the Microsoft link to the presentation has expired or is slow, try here is a Google Slides version of the presentation of the Google docs version of the handout.
English Language Specialist Report on Madrasasas Teacher Training in Islamabad, Pakistan
Panel Presentation at TESOL 2021: International Convention & English Language Expo