Notify the CHP

​The California Highway Patrol remains committed in keeping the public safe everywhere. You can help keep Californians and visitors to our state safe as well, by reporting crimes you may witness or illegal activities you may be aware of. You may help avert the theft of public funds or property, or even save lives by reporting a car weaving on the freeway - and getting an intoxicated driver off the road.

You may report information anonymously if you wish; but we would like you to report any suspicious activities or illegal acts to stop crimes and safeguard the public against violence and theft.

Sharing Information

Report Suspicious Activity

If you are reporting an emergency that requires immediate attention please dial 911.

File a Traffic Complaint

How was the traffic? Its a subject we're concerned with every day. Was there a delay in your commute that could've been handled better? Let a CHP Sergeant know and where the issue occurred.

Commend or Complain

How are we doing? We invite your feedback. To file a formal complaint please open a IA ticket in the CHP discord. To commend a unit please utilize the Commendations channel in the CHP discord.

Non-Emergency Hotline

Need to talk to us, but its not an emergency? use /911 and then type NON EMERGENCY in game, for non emergency purposes like accident reports, tow questions, CHP office locations, vehicle theft tips and more!