About this website

This website was created by an individual named Lesley James, who is entirely responsible for the information on it.

Her credentials as an expert on media literacy include:

  • A master's degree in Library & Information Science

  • A master's degree in Teaching

  • 15 years working as a teen services librarian at The Seattle Public Library

  • 6 years working as a teacher-librarian at a school in the Bellevue (WA) School District

  • 1+ years working as the Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship Program Supervisor at the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

The intended audience of this website is middle school and high school students who need to do research assignments, as well as the teachers and librarians who work with them.

The intended purposes of this website are:

  • to help students recognize different types of information sources they might find when doing research for school based on who is responsible for the information, what the main purpose is, and who the main audience is

  • to help students investigate information sources, looking for clues that tell whether or not they should use those information sources for their research assignment

  • to encourage students to think about what makes someone an expert on a topic

  • to encourage students to think about perspectives and bias, as well as what they have to do with the reliability of information sources

This website was published December 2022.