
Current members

Zechen Chong, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

zchong at uab[dot]edu

After finishing undergraduate study in the School of Computer Science and Technology at Harbin Institute of Technology, Zechen entered Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a Postgraduate Candidate Exempt from Admission Exam in 2007 under the supervision of Dr. Chung-I Wu. In 2013, he earned a Ph.D. degree in Genomics. After graduation, he worked with Dr. Ken Chen at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center as a Postdoctoral Fellow for 3 years. In 2017, he joined UAB Informatics Institute as a tenure-track faculty.

Maggi (Yu) Chen

Ph. D. Student (2018.03 ~ now)

maggic at uab[dot]edu

Maggi is a current UAB graduate student in Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics theme. She graduated from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) at the School of the Gifted Young with a Bachelor's degree. During 2016, she was a visiting scholar at University of Wisconsin at Madison. She is currently developing algorithms for detecting structural variants from third generation sequencing data.

Fengyuan Huang

Ph. D. Student

huangf at uab[dot]edu

Fengyuan is a current graduate student in Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics theme. After graduating from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine with a Master Degree of Basic Science, she worked as a research scholar at Nutrition Science Department at UAB. She is interested in cancer genomics and bioinformatics.

Yiqing Wang

Ph. D. Student

yiqing19 at uab[dot]edu

Yiqing is a current graduate student in Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics theme. After graduating from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University with a Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics, he studied in the Computer Science department at UAB. He is interested in bioinformatics methods and applications of new sequencing data.

Ethan Vallely

Undergraduate Student

ejv at uab[dot]edu

Ethan is working on bacteria genome de novo assembly.

Stephanie Cook

Undergraduate Student

secook2 at uab[dot]edu

Stephanie is working on third generation sequencing data analysis and software development.

Meghan Moody

Undergraduate Student

mmeghan at uab[dot]edu

Meghan is working on third generation sequencing data analysis and software development.


Shaurita Hutchins, GGB rotation student, 2021.01-2021.03

Santhosh Kumar Karthikeyan, GBS rotation student, 2021.01-2021.03

Colton Miller, Master Intern Student, 2020. 02-2020.07

Peng Xu, Postdoc fellow, 2017.09-2019.09

Ari Ginsparg, GGB rotation student, 2019.10-2019.12

Yixin Zhang, undergraduate intern, CS of UAB, 2019.02-2019.05

Mary Bunton, GGB rotation student, 2018.10-2018.12

Dr. Ming Ye, Southwest University, China, Visiting Scientist (2017.10-2018.10)