Note: Many of the links provided on this website are external links.  You may be directed to a new site when exploring the CHMS Media Center website.

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Online sources of information that you can trust.

SCDiscus -  general information provided by the Institute of Museum & Library Services and the SC State Library

Knowitall- general information provided by ETV

StudySC - information about the state of South Carolina

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Tools that with help you cite sources and create bibliographies, or works cited pages, using MLA format. 

EasyBib- very user-friendly and appropriate for those new to writing citations

Citation Machine - very similar format to EasyBib, but works best if you want to do all of your sources at the same time

Purdue Owl - authoritative resource that is useful for those wanting advanced citation help or those with unusual sources

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Trusted databases that you can use if you need primary sources for a project like National History Day. 

Docs Teach - choose from thousands of documents from the National Archives

Digital Public Library of America- online materials explore topics in history, literature, and culture 

New York Public Library - a living database featuring prints, photos, maps, manuscripts, videos, and more

Calisphere - a gateway to digital collections from California's libraries, archives, and museums

American Memory (The Library of Congress)- digital materials that chronicle American events, people, places, & ideas