War Of The Necromancers

This project showcases an advanced UI shop system, allowing users to purchase enemies within the game. It further demonstrates the implementation of a local multiplayer mode where players engage in competitive gameplay. The utilization of navmesh enables efficient enemy navigation towards the players, while scripting was employed to animate characters and enemies. Overall, this project highlights the integration of a sophisticated UI system, multiplayer functionality, and effective enemy behavior through the use of navmesh and animations. 

Reach 100 Souls to Win!


Player 1-

WASD To move

Q To Open/Close Shop

E To Select Enemy From Shop

R To Select Potion From Shop

Player 2-

Arrow Keys To move

Enter To Open/Close Shop

Shift To Select Enemy From Shop

L To Select Potion From Shop

Itch page: https://chloe24603.itch.io/war-of-the-necromancers 

Concept Art

Gameplay Screenshots